Integrated Private Board of Directors and Nobel Empowerment Industry

China's self-assembled private board joined hands with Nobel empowerment industry

the rise of self-assembly has become one of the huge variables in the industry. However, under the general trend, its operation has also differentiated into various modes. Are there advantages and disadvantages between operation modes? In the situation of complete installation, how should the installation enterprises and the supply chain be empowered? Under the hot aura, is layout and Assembly really a good business?

On June 17, with the strategic support of Nobel tiles, the China self-assembled board gathered a group of industry and enterprise "thinkers" with the theme of "exploring the self-assembled operation mode, walk into the building block home together and discuss the way to complete the operation.

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future exploration of exclusive sharing operation mode

the industry may need a systematic theoretical guidance to understand the integrated operation mode to judge the advantages and disadvantages of the integrated operation mode and analyze the future development direction. At the China self-organized private board meeting, the gathering of industries, installation enterprises and supply chain enterprises brought new thinking about the operation mode.

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tang Ren, secretary-general of middle-class Joint Assembly Branch

in his speech, Tang Ren, the initiator of the China self-assembly Board and the secretary-general of the middle-class joint self-assembly branch, raised questions about the self-assembly operation mode. In his view, the current innovation ability of the whole assembly industry is insufficient. In the continuous volume, the innovation and development of the industry need better user experience and better operation efficiency. At the same time, he also believes that enterprises only need to meet the consumption needs of target customers, which is also a personalized requirement under the whole package, "the whole package must fall on the product".

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wu yanneng, director of home improvement management department of Nobel Ceramics Group

as the supporter of this activity and the representative of supply chain enterprises, Wu yanneng, director of the home decoration management department of Nobel Ceramics Group, said that the demand of the just-needed people is fast, good and economical delivery. In the past two or three years of cooperation, building blocks and Nobel have established a good model. In the integration of the industrial chain, it is particularly important to vigorously carry out innovation collaboration and capital collaboration, and more deeply integrate the enterprise itself into the industrial ecology.

Since its establishment in 1992, it has been focusing on high-end tiles and paying attention to Nobel, the user of Terminal C, and has also started to dig deep into the installation channel in recent years. Wu yanneng also introduced Nobel's leading technology and product power in detail, and hoped that with the upgrading of consumers' demand for home decoration and building materials, they would enhance their recognition of the brand through fine building in the future.

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Cai Jian, vice president of building blocks

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under the concept of "don't take the old road of traditional decoration, don't do the enemy of Time", building block owners hope to make a revolution of efficiency and products around user value through the Internet, serving the largest crowd, be the biggest market. In the specific assembly operation, building block owners realize experience integration through full-link integration; Realize service integration through data integration of all links; Realize scheme integration through the transformation from paying attention to goods to paying attention to people; through the combination of reality and reality, online and offline integration is brought; Through the integration of perceived supply of good products controlled from the source; While the exploration of (S B)2C model builds an agile business model of front-end collaboration, it brings organizational integration.

Use better products to meet customer needs, save money for users with higher efficiency, make greater guarantees with larger scale, and make enforcement guarantees with stronger organizations...... On the way to achieve better service, building blocks are on the way to become a better complete brand.

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shang Haiyang, CEO of building blocks

in the view of Shang Haiyang, the CEO of building blocks, the complete installation is just a push under the customer's needs. To do the complete installation, we need to talk about methods. We need to know who the user is and what the demand is, what solutions can be provided based on users' needs? From "good decoration, actually not expensive!" As can be seen from the slogan, the building blocks Home focuses on the ambition of just-in-need people to provide them with a complete plan.

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hu Yanli, national chief editor of NetEase home furnishing

hu Yanli, the national editor-in-chief of NetEase home furnishing, concluded from the perspective of media that the biggest feature of home decoration is that it will never be big, and the whole outfit is an epoch-making product for this era, it breaks the barriers of the previous scale bottleneck growth. It turns uncertainty into certainty, non-standard into standard, and once there is standard, there will be scale effect.

Cooperation empowers multi-dimensional layout to explore open development

from the Internet home decoration and standardized home decoration several years ago to the current assembly, the trend of the decoration industry is surging, and the assembly is undoubtedly one of the hottest words now. In addition to standardization, transparency and delivery guarantee, the whole assembly is the transformation of the organization of home decoration material elements. From the purchase of consumers one by one to the one-stop multi-category integration of building materials in decoration companies, the operation structure of the whole industry has changed, which also makes installation enterprises and supply chains have to work together to empower each other.

Under the general trend of one-stop customer demand, how to make the whole package into a win-win business? How can more efficient cooperation modes be established between enterprises and supply chain enterprises and between enterprises and customers? At the Salon site, industry associations, experts and scholars, home improvement enterprises, supply chain enterprises and other representatives started brainstorming and gave their answers.

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as customers need more and more one-stop services, the passenger flow of supply chain enterprises gradually flows to home decoration and assembly companies that can solve the timeliness. Nobel's vision goes from "becoming the world's best supplier of decorative products" to "becoming the world's leading service provider of high-end ceramic decorative materials". From suppliers to service providers, Nobel focuses on the best combination of products, life and brands.

In the empowerment of the whole package, the supply chain brand also needs to find the best match. Wu yanneng, director of the home decoration management department of Nobel Ceramics Group, said that in the whole package company, if the price is low, dealers should survive, however, when the cost of products is certain, how can this business make everyone make money needs further thinking. At the same time, he also proposed that "for suppliers, if they want to be included in the package, they should think about how to meet the supply price instead of becoming a price-increasing product." In the face of the bulk of the package type companies, once the price increase outside the package will affect the growth of the volume.

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these two questions involve the issues of scale and efficiency. In recent years, Nobel has been in the process of layout while entering the game. In terms of products, Nobel continued to increase scientific and technological research and development and investment, standardized production of products, and achieved efficiency improvement by reaching a certain scale.

At the terminal, Nobel has formed a channel network with 50 branches covering more than 800 cities, providing "zero distance" services for customers and partners to improve service efficiency. Online, Nobel also continues to build new retail, integrating cross-border linkage through online and offline channels to form three-dimensional empowerment capabilities.

The package brings consumers time-saving and labor-saving space solutions, and Nobel has always been committed to guiding high quality lifestyles through new aesthetics and new experiences. Whether it is Chengdu No. 1 store or the newly opened Nobel science and technology Culture Center, it shows the possibility of the overall space of ceramic tiles in a cross-border manner. From single product sales to overall space experience, Nobel has taken a big step in the field of assembly, which provides the basis for providing overall space and supporting services in addition to delivering products in the future.

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in the home decoration industry of "small enterprises in large industries", the whole outfit is becoming a way for home decoration enterprises to break through tens of billions or even higher, and it will certainly become a brand-new track for supply chain enterprises. So far, China's integrated private board has entered many excellent decoration enterprises such as Dongyi Risheng, Shangdi decoration, famous carving decoration, Xingjie decoration, building blocks and so on, successfully realizing the link between industrial chains, it also provides a new imagination for the future cooperation between supply chain enterprises and installation enterprises.

As Wu yanneng, director of the home decoration management department of Nobel Ceramics Group, said, the current assembly industry needs everyone to find a way out in the future. In the exchange and collision, Nobel tiles have been on the road of exploring new ideas, and will eventually discover new blue seas under the Mutual Empowerment with installation enterprises.

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