Chongqing Wooden Door Held "Zero Door" Industry Chain Exchange Meeting

Chongqing wooden door held "zero door" industry chain exchange meeting

2021 year6 month27 day Afternoon15 at that time, Chongqing wooden door industry association planned to host and Chongqing qianrun New Material Co., Ltd. Hosted: Chongqing wooden door "zero door" symposium, with limited number of people25 people. And the number of applicants reached180 many people had to change their names to: Chongqing wooden door "zero door" industry chain exchange meeting, inspected qianrun enterprises in Chongqing Jiangjin Dexiang Park, and held an exchange meeting in Chongqing Jiangjin hotel.



Exchange Meeting venue

in qianrun enterprise, Dexiang Industrial Park, Jiangjin district, Chongqing, a visiting team of more than 180 people inspected paint-free door of pressure paste process production, data warehouse, finished product exhibition hall, etc. Chairman Wang Kui, general Manager Liu Kai introduced the production process of the Enterprise to the representatives of the inspected Enterprise respectively.


Wang Kui, chairman of qianrun panel, delivered a speech


speech by Hu Linfeng, chairman of Wood Industry of Zhejiang Yongkang Charfen portant; overflow-wrap: break-word! im portant;"/>


ma Lei Geng, general manager of Shuanghai decoration, Yongkang, Zhejiang, delivered a speech


speech by Liu Kai, general manager of qianrun panel


(Chuangyi) Wu Wentao, general manager of Zhongmu, spoke


zhang Qijie, general manager of Xiaolu design, made a speech


hu Zhongqiang, deputy general manager of Oriental zero, spoke

in the conference hall on the third floor of Chongqing Jiangjin Hotel, Liang Tianshun, secretary general of Chongqing wooden door industry association, presided over the conference and introduced the initiation and thinking of the conference. At the meeting, Wang Kui, chairman of qianrun, as a young representative of the post-90s enterprise, introduced the situation of qianrun enterprise and analyzed the industry and technology. Hu Linfeng, chairman of Zhejiang Yongkang Charfen wood industry, and Ma Lei Geng, general manager of Zhejiang Yongkang Shuanghai decoration, respectively expressed their opinions on the differences between Zhejiang Yongkang and Chongqing paint-free door. Liu Kai, general manager of qianrun, subdivided the quality of various plates, making the difference between plates more clear for door factories. Wu Wentao, general manager of China Wood, director Unit of the Association (Chuangyi), Zhang Qijie, general manager of Xiaolu design, Hu Zhongqiang, deputy general manager of Oriental zero, and so on, respectively expressed their respective views at the meeting, and elaborated their respective views on products and industries, so as to achieve the exchange meeting of seeking common ground while reserving differences.


Group photo of Chongqing wooden door "zero door" industry chain exchange meeting

this inspection and conference increased from a limit of 25 people to more than 180 people, and changed from a symposium to an exchange meeting, reflecting the real market demand of the industry and also a realistic problem that associations and enterprises must consider. Chongqing wooden doors are currently facing transformation customization and paint-free door. In product design, material procurement, production management, logistics and distribution, industries need to cooperate with each other. At present, the separation of brand and processing, production and marketing has become very obvious. As an industry association, it plays an irreplaceable role in matchmaking and industry guidance. I believe that in the next few years, chongqing wooden doors have emerged in the process of transformation of paint-free and customization, allowing the industry to see future hopes.