on Shangpin Home Collection, Jingdong Will Be Introduced as a Strategic Investor.

On Shangpin Home Collection, Jingdong will be introduced as a strategic investor.

On the evening of June 25, Shangpin Home Collection, the plan for issuing stocks to specific objects was disclosed. This strategic investment included the transfer of shares from Dachen Caixin, the shareholder of the company, and Tianjin Dachen to Beijing Jingdong and the signing of the share transfer agreement. As well as the two transactions that the company issues shares to the specific object Beijing Jingdong and signs the share subscription agreement.

(Image Source: creative, invasion and deletion)

the number of shares issued to a specific target Beijing Jingdong this time is no more than 8.2781 million shares, the issue price is 64.56 yuan/share, and the total amount of funds raised is no more than 0.534 billion yuan, the net amount will be used for the construction project of Chengdu Wei Shang production base and supplementary working capital.

(Article Source: furniture online official website, invasion and deletion)