Sue Australia for Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Measures!

China sued Australia for anti-dumping and countervailing measures!

On June 24, china filed a lawsuit under the WTO dispute settlement mechanism against the anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures taken by Australia against the railway hub, wind tower and stainless steel sink products imported from China.


(Photo source: furniture micro News-Public number, invasion and deletion)

According to Gao Feng, a spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce, Australia adopted or extended anti-dumping measures on railway hubs and wind towers imported from China in 2019, and extended anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures on stainless steel sinks imported from China in 202020. In these three cases, the Australian side identified the dumping and subsidy practices as suspected of violating the WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement and the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures.

Gao Feng said that at present, the WTO is facing front-end challenges. China opposes the abuse of trade remedy measures, which not only damages the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises, but also damages the seriousness and authority of WTO rules.

Gao Feng stressed that China hopes to use Australia's anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures to the WTO dispute settlement mechanism, which not only protects the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises, but also maintains the authoritative effectiveness of the multilateral trading system and the WTO. It is hoped that Australia will take practical actions to correct the wrong practices, avoid the distortion of the trade of related products, and return the related trade to the normal track as soon as possible.


(Photo source: furniture micro News-Public number, invasion and deletion)

According to the Reference News, the Australian government announced on the 18th local time that Australia had officially complained to the World Trade Organization because China imposed anti-dumping duties on Australian wines.

The Australian government's statement said that it was for the interests of "protecting Australian wine producers" to file a formal complaint with the WTO. Previously, the Australian government also complained to the WTO that China had imposed tariffs on Australian barley to show Australia's support for the "rule-based trading system.

The report pointed out that the Australian government's statement also said that Australia was willing to directly talk with China to resolve the wine dispute.

In fact, the relevant departments of China have repeatedly stated their views on the issue of levying anti-dumping duties on imported wines originating from Australia. Chinese competent authorities take relevant measures for foreign products exported to China according to laws and regulations, conform to Chinese laws, regulations and international practices, and are also responsible for Chinese domestic industries and consumers.

On April 1, Ministry of Commerce spokesman Gao Feng said that adopting anti-dumping measures was the legitimate right granted to all members by WTO. In August 2020, the Ministry of Commerce initiated an anti-dumping investigation on imported wines originating in Australia in accordance with the law on the application of domestic industries.

After investigation, the Ministry of Commerce ruled in accordance with the law to take corresponding trade relief measures. The ruling report shows that there is dumping of wine imported from Australia, which has caused substantial damage to China's domestic industry. Anti-dumping measures are in line with WTO rules and relevant provisions of China's domestic laws.

On June 21, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said in an inquiry that China had expressed its position on relevant issues many times. Please ask the competent authorities of China for details. He stressed that China complies with WTO rules and acts according to the rules.


(Article Source: furniture micro News-Public number, invasion and deletion)