Which Door and Window Brand Can Join for Free

Now basically all doors and windows brands do not have to join the franchise fee, but general brand enterprises still need to join the security deposit, which is a variety of agreed guarantee fees for the franchisees to join the brand, such: cannot operate across mirrors, etc. Another fee is the initial sample fee, which is that investors who have just joined the company should pay attention to how many samples are required for the first time when some brand enterprises join the company. Another is the price of the sample. Some brands require 30% off the sample fee, and some require 50% off the purchase price. Xiao Bai, who has just joined the company, must understand clearly.

At the same time, when joining the company, we should choose brands because of this. We cannot choose high-end brands in third-tier cities. Such products are difficult for local consumers. There are too many differences between product prices and consumption levels. It's hard to sell in business.

Store location is also very important. It depends on whether there is a building materials market in the local area. At present, the door and window industry still takes the building materials market as the terminal consumer activity field, and a good store is the beginning of business.

Capital budget is now an era of funding. Do a good job in capital budget to avoid the problems of insufficient funds and difficult turnover in the preparation process.

Finally, I wish you success.