From the Perspective of In-depth Analysis, Home Production Line Planning!

From the perspective of in-depth analysis, home production line planning!

The planning and design of furniture factory is much more complicated than that of general industry. Its product variety, equipment and facilities, technology, management means, production scale and production mode are ever-changing, and the products involved are rich in changes, the complexity of technological processes, the disparity of production scale and the number of production combinations are rare in other industries.

The construction of furniture factory is actually a systematic project. Besides the product itself, it also involves planning, construction, hydropower, fire fighting, lighting, Greening, production equipment and production line, A series of related fields and sub-projects such as transportation and logistics in the factory, environmental protection and safety, warehousing, production site management and so on are the comprehensive results of these contents.

Comprehensive design and planning in advance can establish a scientific model according to the characteristics of these fields. Through calculation and integration, these related contents can form an organic whole, each part plays the greatest and effective role in the production and service of products and produces the greatest economic and social benefits.


(Photo source: Furniture Industry-public number, invasion and deletion)


(Photo source: Furniture Industry-public number, invasion and deletion)

The subprojects involved in furniture factories have certain mathematical relationships with each other, such as plant area, equipment performance parameters, equipment quantity, storage area, water and electricity, staffing, etc, data changes in one sub-project will affect other sub-projects.

Therefore, it is necessary to study these relationships, establish corresponding mathematical models, and accurately calculate the models according to the data set by the project, which can optimize the whole project, make These subprojects reach the best balance. The generated data can also provide important basis for the design and construction of each sub-project, and can also verify the whole project.

Traditional planning and design methods are based on experience, and some data are also obtained through experience estimation, which often has great errors, and it is difficult for the whole factory project to reach a balance, it is easy to form bottlenecks locally, affecting the efficiency of the entire factory.


(Photo source: Furniture Industry-public number, invasion and deletion)


(Photo source: Furniture Industry-public number, invasion and deletion)


Product Analysis is the basis of production line planning

Product Analysis is the foundation of furniture production line planning and design. The Function of furniture production line is to produce the required products more quickly and effectively. Therefore, before designing and planning the production line, detailed analysis must be carried out on the products.

01-1 material analysis: fine, Poly, and Provincial

The so-called fine refers to comprehensive and meticulous, to list all kinds of parts involved in the product, and at the same time to list the specifications and grades of the raw materials used, including the hardware used;

The so-called gathering refers to the classification of parts according to materials, shapes, features, etc., so as to facilitate the specific analysis of the next step; For example, cabinets, side plates, top and bottom plates, and drawers can be classified separately;

The so-called province refers to the preliminary analysis of raw materials, compressing the regular types of materials to the minimum as far as possible, and analyzing the utilization rate of materials at the same time, how to change the specifications of materials with low utilization rate, change the variety, change the material and other means to improve its utilization rate. For example, the utilization rate of cabinet backboard can be increased by using large-sized raw materials (6x 8 feet or 8x 8 feet plate).


(Photo source: Furniture Industry-public number, invasion and deletion)


(Photo source: Furniture Industry-public number, invasion and deletion)

01-2 process: smooth, short, fast

According to the summarized parts data and process flow analysis, the following principles should be followed:

Shun: refers to the arrangement according to the process sequence of processing, including the arrangement of the same equipment used in the front and back processes, which should be paid special attention in the processing of components;

Short: it means to adopt a shorter process route as much as possible to shorten the processing process and reduce the number of times for positioning the base plane of parts processing;

Fast: refers to the need to subdivide similar technological processes to maximize the processing speed.


(Photo source: Furniture Industry-public number, invasion and deletion)


(Photo source: Furniture Industry-public number, invasion and deletion)

01-3 process capability: refined, accurate, and complete

According to the capacity requirements set by the production line, the capacity of each process is calculated to provide data support for reasonable selection of equipment and production line layout.

The so-called precision means that the process capability must meet the quality requirements of process design, and cannot unilaterally pursue the processing capability and reduce the quality standard;

The so-called accuracy means that the calculation of process capability must be accurate and the calculation result must be controlled within a small error range;

The so-called complete means that the process capacity must be fully calculated, and all the processes involved must be included and cannot be missed.


Some key points of Process Design

02-1 standardization of parts or raw materials

Re-analyze the specifications, processing features, raw materials, etc. of the parts, and standardize and modularize them as much as possible without affecting the appearance, so as to optimize the process route, the types of cutting tool equipment and the adjustment time of equipment during parts processing, so as to make the production process smoother, greatly shorten the production cycle, and effectively reduce the capital occupation pressure of in-process products.

02-2 use design software to speed up production

Both plate and solid wood products can be designed by using corresponding design software, and can be associated with process and numerical control equipment from the design end, thus shortening the preparation time of process documents before production.


(Photo source: Furniture Industry-public number, invasion and deletion)


(Photo source: Furniture Industry-public number, invasion and deletion)

Excellent furniture design software, such as TOPSOLID, can automatically generate three-view production drawings of parts through 3D product modeling. Parts correspond to bar codes, parts list (BOM), numerical control equipment processing code and other production factor files can greatly shorten the process design time and improve the work efficiency of designers. Practice shows that using TOPSOLID software, the design time of solid wood products can be shortened to 1/4~1/5 of the traditional way.


Some key points of equipment selection

Equipment selection needs to meet the basic requirements of Furniture & fixtures enterprises, such as processing performance, economy, stability, etc. It can also meet the comprehensive role in the entire production line and meet the related needs of equipment.

03-1 batch: Balanced

For mass production products, the equipment selection mainly considers the balance of production rhythm, and achieves the synchronous production of all parts as much as possible, and arrives at the Assembly or packaging process at the same time, in order to reduce the phenomenon of parts waiting online caused by unbalanced production, and at the same time, it will not make the production capacity of individual processes surplus and affect the comprehensive efficiency of the production line;

03-2 Customization: Comprehensive

For customized products, besides considering the balance of production, the most important thing is the comprehensiveness of production capacity. Because the features of customized furniture parts are changeable, it is difficult to make the production capacity absolutely balanced. Therefore, the production line of customized furniture mainly considers that the processing capacity of the equipment must meet the needs of all processing techniques of the product.


(Photo source: Furniture Industry-public number, invasion and deletion)


(Photo source: Furniture Industry-public number, invasion and deletion)

After the completion of the above steps, comprehensive consideration should be taken, and the design and planning of the production line should be carried out on the basic requirements of meeting the balance of production capacity, synchronization of parts production as much as possible, and smooth production process.

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(Photo source: Furniture Industry-public number, invasion and deletion)

(Article Source: Furniture Industry-public number, invasion and deletion)