Furniture Industry Marketing Mode Abandoned "Nomadic" to "Farming"

Furniture industry marketing mode abandoned "nomadic" to "farming"

once someone in the industry said: in the future, the competition of home brands will definitely shift from technology and price to after-sales service; With the rapid development of China's home industry, the era of profiteering is coming to an end, the profit point of furniture industry will also shift from sales to after-sales service. China's furniture industry is about to enter the "second competition"-after-sales service war.

I. Enterprise Transformation Service

today, the above rehearsal has already become a reality. For most furniture sales enterprises, the proportion of furniture sales in the enterprise's profit share has dropped to a very low level year by year, I have to start looking for business and profit growth in the after-sales field.

The era of horse racing and enclosure is passing. The abnormal and explosive growth that can only occur under the background of rapid economic growth has passed. The marketing concepts and strategies of enterprises must be changed, vividly speaking, this change is from "nomadic" marketing thinking to "agricultural" marketing thinking.

II. Nomadic marketing era

it is a great social progress that society changes from nomadic to farming. In the nomadic society, all tribes rode horses, drove sheep and cattle, carried tents and lived by water plants, ate grass from one place, drank water, continued to migrate, and began again and again. There are two prerequisites for the continuation of this lifestyle: first, the pasture should be large enough, and secondly, the number of tribes should not be too large.

Nomadic marketing is always seeking new markets. Expanding market share is its direct and core goal, and finding new customers, that is, new pastures, is its focus. At this stage, the marketing methods of enterprises mainly rely on traditional advertising and other marketing promotion to enhance brand awareness. In addition, in order to improve the acceptance of products and brands, it is necessary to make products reach more consumers and customers more effectively. Therefore, the construction of traditional channels and the promotion of stimulating "near-door" purchases, it is undoubtedly placed in a prominent position. This is why in the first 10 years, many enterprises regarded the concept of channel as King and decisive terminal as the only way in marketing.

(Image Source: creative, invasion and deletion)

III. Enterprises begin to transform marketing

the necessary condition of this marketing method is that the pasture is large enough, that is, the market is a new market or in the growth period; Secondly, the number of tribes cannot be large, that is, the market competition of enterprises has not reached the level of white-hot.

In agriculture time, every household settled down, and the land it owned became the key resource for its survival. Therefore, caring for the land and improving the soil strength become the primary task. Plant different crops on this land in different seasons, harvest after maturity and cycle.

In terms of agricultural marketing methods, existing customers are our "land", and customer maintenance becomes the key to the sustainable survival of enterprises. This requires enterprises to pay attention to existing customers in marketing, instead of focusing on new customers and the expansion of new markets. The focus should be on providing customers with truly valuable and excellent products, and relying on services to maintain customers and obtain their lifetime value, at the same time, rely on customers to convey good reputation and increase customers' recommend.

(Article Source: Liangpin Tesco official website, invasion and deletion)