on SLEEMON, the Board of Directors Was Successfully Changed, and the Younger Team Drove the Rise of Enterprises.

On SLEEMON, the board of directors was successfully changed, and the younger team drove the rise of enterprises.

On July 5, the 16th meeting of the Fourth Board of Directors was held SLEEMON. The Meeting voted and agreed to nominate Mr. Chen Ayu, Mr. Chen Yicheng and Ms. Chen pingqi as candidates for non-independent directors of the fifth board of directors of the company, he agreed to nominate Mr. Liu Yulong, Mr. Wang Hao and Mr. Zhu Feng as candidates for independent directors of the fifth board of directors of the company, and agreed to submit the above candidates to the Second Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of the company in 2021 for election.

It is understood that the average age of the members of the board of directors of the SLEEMON who were elected this time was 4 years lower than that of the previous session, and three of them were After 85. This shows that this family was founded in 1984, the largest mattress faucet in Asia, while accelerating the brand rejuvenation, the rejuvenation process of the senior management team is also accelerating.

The brand is getting younger, and online and offline revenue is eye-catching.

Compared with the older generation, the younger generation has more advantages in the perception and control of the Internet, social media, digital marketing and fashion culture. Based on the deep understanding of young people, SLEEMON constantly upgrade and innovate in products, activities and services, and effectively convey its influence to young people. A few days ago, with excellent Brand awareness and Brand strength, SLEEMON won the first Brand in the mattress category of "China Brand power index" in the sixth year with an absolute power of 459.9 points, and won the Golden Brand. Laurel, this is also the 9th time in SLEEMON to win the first place in the brand power of Chinese mattress industry.


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Chnbrand rating people believe that brand building is a long-term and continuous process. Brands need to have firm determination and perseverance to fully integrate brand value into every contact point between enterprises and users, the brand strength will be improved in real sense only by constantly carrying out value precipitation in users' minds. According to the quarterly report of 2021 released on April 21, SLEEMON, although it has experienced the epidemic in 2020 and multiple adverse factors in the international and domestic household industry, SLEEMON has passed through the cycle under the strategic determination, showing strong momentum: operating income was 1.25 billion yuan, an increase of 72.51 percent year-on-year, while after excluding the impact of film and television business, it increased by 104 percent year-on-year, and the net profit of the parent increased by 215 percent year-on-year. It is worth noting that the revenue of self-owned brand retail business in SLEEMON was 0.768 billion yuan, up 205% year-on-year, online business increased 231% year-on-year, and offline business increased 199% year-on-year, record high for two consecutive years.


(Image Source: Manager Network, invasion and deletion)

the younger layout is effective, reshaping a new brand image

the results of many well-known enterprise management teams show that the younger management team not only has stronger vitality and momentum, but also has stronger acceptance ability to control, digitize and intellectualize the market direction, this will help enterprises better cope with external changes in the era of change and seize the fleeting development opportunities.

As a home furnishing enterprise with a history of 37 years, SLEEMON firmly defined the "young" brand positioning, comprehensively upgraded the brand image, visual image and store image, and made efforts to build five-star stores, provide more efficient, intimate and professional star-level services. In addition to franchise stores and large furniture stores, SLEEMON is also laying out new channels for home appliances and supermarkets to expand store coverage and explore new increments. By the end of 2020, there were more than 3,600 stores nationwide in SLEEMON, with a net increase of 643 offline stores (including distribution stores) in 2002 alone. Home building materials head brands were introduced in 88 cities nationwide, and adopt "one city, one policy" to cultivate and support policies for franchisees.

While working on traditional channels, SLEEMON keenly grasp market changes, actively explore new retail business, and seize the consumer market of young people. SLEEMON actively improve the layout of mattress products to meet the demands of more different mattress consumers, and then carry out digital fine operations to provide users with personalized services and improve the order turnover rate. For example, during the epidemic, a new intelligent self-cleaning product with dual-core antibacterial and anti-mite technology was developed on SLEEMON, and the sales volume exceeded 100 million within 3 days after its release. Congrats, created by the designer of China Academy of Fine Arts "," Oriental rhyme "and other national fashion series mattresses have successfully seized the young consumer market.


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in another aspect of seizing the young consumer market, SLEEMON pay attention to the layout of public domain traffic content pools. The store live broadcast and president live broadcast were carried out in Tmall and Jingdong official flagship stores. They cooperated in depth with the head anchors of various platforms for many times in succession, and achieved performance under the support of many KOL short videos "planting grass, the number of fans and brand influence have increased. It is understood that during the 618th period of 2021,SLEEMON alone, the total sales of Jingdong in Tmall and 0.362 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 145%, far exceeding other similar brands, and won the first place on Jingdong platform for 7 consecutive years, in 3 years, the whole network is the first, and the Tmall platform is the first. Among them, White Knight and Butterfly Dream have created a new sales record of single-product mattresses, with a total sales volume of 55.76 million soft bed, far exceeding the growth rate of double 11 last year.

At the same time, SLEEMON younger marketing has also achieved positive results in recent years. Based on the deep understanding of young people, SLEEMON became a sponsor of a series of front-end variety shows that young people like, such as treasure-like countryside, cross-border comedy king, China's new Blind Date, running bar brothers, etc., while expanding brand awareness, occupy the minds of young people with the professional image of "deep sleep"; On the other hand, SLEEMON has created a bbR sleep space integrating social entertainment, sleep health and experience purchase scenes, and connected to HUAWEI Hil. ink ecology and the "0.1 billion masks for users" gratitude and feedback activities have reshaped the brand image of SLEEMON dynamic, healthy and close.


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SLEEMON is Huawei Hil ink ecosystem partners

with the establishment of the new board of directors, SLEEMON stood at a new historical starting point. SLEEMON relevant people said that SLEEMON will further enhance the development vitality and core competitiveness, seize opportunities, win advantages, and continue to deepen product innovation, brand and channels in a new state, accelerate the realization of the goal of impacting the first brand of mattress in the world and write a new chapter of career development in the new journey.

(Article Source: Manager Network, invasion and deletion)