Plate Sales, the Price Is Broken, the Market Is Broken

Plate Sales, the price is broken, the market is broken

Our people have a skill:

Not to make the product well,

But lower the price.


The soul of marketing is how to sell the price

Kotler said that marketing is not selling products, but selling prices.

Teacher Jin Huanmin is more straightforward: Sales sell products through prices, and marketing sells products through prices.

People who think about selling products like to use price methods, such as price reduction, discount, promotion, etc. These methods are all price reduction or disguised price reduction, because they are the simplest and most effective. But the negative effect is also the most obvious.

At the beginning of marketing, teacher Jin Huanmin and I had a common rule: everything can be negotiated, but the price and payment terms cannot be negotiated. We call it "two talk". Here, the payment terms are also the terms attached to the price.

First set the price to death, then find a way, just don't find a way from the price. This is the thinking of marketing.

Teacher Jin Huanmin has another statement: The price is set to Qiankun. Pricing is a strategy, while high price is a strategy. It can be seen how important the price is.


The product is worth it

The so-called selling price is to generate a premium. The so-called premium is to sell more expensive than others. If there is no premium for a brand, it is hard to say that it is a brand.

To sell products at a premium, consumers should be appreciated and willing to pay. This requires proof that the premium is cost-effective.

Therefore, selling price is through a series of activities to make consumers feel that this product is worth such a high price, and high price is more cost-effective than low price.

What activities can prove to consumers that high prices are worth it is the mystery of marketing.

Many people cannot explain the contrast between marketing and sales clearly. It is easy to explain clearly through teacher Jin's "selling price.

Sales often sell products at a low price, while marketing sells products at a low price.


Price is an efficient means

Why are sales people willing to use price methods? Because price is an efficient means.

As long as the price reduction, discount and promotion are reduced, the sales will be launched immediately, with quick results and obvious results. Therefore, once sales are blocked, the sales department immediately thinks of price means. In some enterprises, this has formed a habit.

It must be noted that price means are easy to generate dependence. It's like taking drugs. It's addictive and hard to quit.

Although the price method is efficient, it is easy to generate dependence, so the next round will only have a dose of plus-sized, otherwise it will be ineffective. This is dependence.

Once price means are dependent, they will change the break-even point. Enterprises are so sensitive to profits, so once the price is lowered, they will find a way on the cost.

It is easy to affect the quality if we find a way on the cost. Finally, we will find that the price method actually gradually pushes the Enterprise to the edge of the cliff.

I once asked in class: What would you do if the sales volume declined? The answer students can think of is nothing more than advertising, price reduction and promotion. In fact, the price is reduced in disguise. My answer is: even without professional training, I can come up with these three methods. It can be seen that these three methods are not professional methods. If you answer such questions in the future, don't say it is my student. I can't afford to lose this person.


Value is a lasting means

People who are sensitive to prices will chase prices repeatedly. For example, customers brought by low prices will also leave because of lower prices.

In other words, price does not bring customer loyalty.

I had a saying long ago, "Low prices are easy before they are difficult, while high prices are difficult before they are easy." It is easy to attract customers at low prices, but it is difficult to stabilize customers; It is difficult to attract customers at high prices, but it is easy to stabilize customers.

Low prices produce price recognition, while high prices produce value recognition and quality recognition. Therefore, once the marketing of valuable products reaches a certain critical point, it is difficult to reverse it.


(Photo source: Tiantian wood information-public number, invasion and deletion)

The price is broken, the market is broken, of course, it can be restored to the original level. However, the repair process will be very long, even at the cost of a dead batch. Sometimes, even a variety will disappear completely. Regenerative potences does not come from the fear of the dead like a moth to the fire, but from the persistent person who goes against it and sticks to his quality positioning and price positioning.


(Photo source: Tiantian wood information-public number, invasion and deletion)

Appropriate low prices are conducive to industrialization and scale-up, but too low and excessive prices, without discount means, kill the industry. This is the truth proved by countless facts.


(Photo source: Tiantian wood information-public number, invasion and deletion)

In the current market, if you walk around, you will find that similar products are seriously surplus, and the price of one is lower than that of one. Which product makes money, everyone will make which product and which style sells well, everyone imitated this style. The same variety is available from 10 yuan to two yuan. There is no difference in packaging! Customers only look at the surface and feel not too bad. In fact, there is a big gap in invisible places! But the customers didn't know. They stared at the cheap purchase, and the inferior coins expelled the good coins. Slowly, the good things began to be reduced in order to survive!

Therefore, this is really an era of death! In order to let yourself live, so I don't want everyone to live! As a result, everyone has no life!


(Photo source: Tiantian wood information-public number, invasion and deletion)

Can I do it if the price is excessive? 80% of the patients have poor prognosis. Just like after the land is polluted, can you expect the food not to be polluted? This is also a daydream!


(Photo source: Tiantian wood information-public number, invasion and deletion)

The land is polluted, and it will take at least a few years. Let the weeds grow wild, purify all the pollutants, restore the original purity of the land, and then grow crops. However, during the few years when the particles were not collected, many people could not survive, either starving to death or moving away. This is why the subdivision category is very vital at the beginning, and many people rely on the subdivision category to make money. Later, most enterprises collapsed!

The industry really needs to restore business rationality. Don't be so crazy regardless of everything!


(Photo source: Tiantian wood information-public number, invasion and deletion)

Price is a double-edged sword, which can hurt people or yourself. Irrational price war is usually equal to ending up together. The day when the industry can earn without money is not far from death.

We appreciate those enterprises that always adhere to their own positioning, whether it is brand positioning, quality positioning or price positioning, they are the backbone of the industry, the future of the industry and the hope of the industry, is the enterprise worthy of respect.


(Photo source: Tiantian wood information-public number, invasion and deletion)

The truly respectable enterprise is not the enterprise with the fastest development and expansion, nor the enterprise with the largest scale, but the enterprise that consistently insists on creating commercial value and social value, enterprises that have their own bottom line from beginning to end. Its existence is a blessing for the industry, a blessing for the society and its own!


(Photo source: Tiantian wood information-public number, invasion and deletion)

Therefore, sticking to their own product value, sticking to their own business value and sticking to their own existing value are important enterprise bottom line and business bottom line.

If too many enterprises in an industry produce garbage products, many enterprises will die if they die, which is not worthy of sympathy. Why do we need so many garbage companies? If there are many enterprises producing garbage products in a category, they will be destroyed if they are destroyed, which is not worthy of sympathy. Why do we need so many garbage companies?

We cannot abuse the industry because of garbage.


(Photo source: Tiantian wood information-public number, invasion and deletion)

In the past 30 years, our economic level is very poor and our consumption ability is very weak. We need a large number of low-end products and even garbage products to fill in. At that time, it was understandable that the garbage industry was very developed. Today, our consumption power and taste have all come up. It is a waste of resources for us to produce so many junk products, challenge consumers' tolerance, and be irresponsible for the industry and our own future!

If you continue to make a fuss about the price method, if the price is broken, it is really not far from death.

(Article Source: Tiantian Wood Industry Information-public number, invasion and deletion)