Glass Price Market Latest Price

According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on July 5, the price of float flat glass (4.8/5mm) in June 21-30 was 2867.4 yuan/ton, down 10.5 yuan/ton from the previous period (mid-June), increase or decrease 0.4%.

In July, the price of Float Glass in stock increased slightly, demand entered the peak season, and inventory decreased slightly.

The prices of some enterprises in Shahe River have been raised, and traders are currently moving goods normally, and the inventory of manufacturers continues to be low. In east China, the overall shipment of enterprises is average, and the stable price is the main shipment; The overall production and sales in central China are relatively good, the prices of individual enterprises are stable, and most of them are raised by 1 yuan/heavy box, and the shipment situation is relatively optimistic; The market transaction focus in South China is moving upward, driven by demand, the prices of a few enterprises are raised by 1 yuan/heavy box, the overall production and sales are acceptable; The southwest and northwest regions have stable prices, and the Southwest shipment situation is stable, about 80%. The production and sales of individual manufacturers in the northwest region can be flat, and the shipment situation is relatively good.

The following is the price increase details released by more than 30 enterprises this week:

◇Xinyi, Wuhu, Anhui province

From July 5th, white glass will increase by 40 yuan/ton!

◇Fuzhou xinfuxing

From July 5th, all thickness float glass will be raised by 40 yuan/ton!

◇Hebei jinhongyang

From July 5th, the first-class products of 4mm and 6mm will be raised by 1 yuan/heavy box!

◇Wuhai Zhongbo

From July 5th, all white glass prices will be raised by 1 yuan/heavy box!

◇Zhangzhou, Heyuan Qibin

From July 5th, white glass will be sent to Fujian to raise the price by 2 yuan/heavy box. It seems that the price will continue to be raised in the future!

Henan Zhonglian (price adjustment several times this month)

From July 6, White glass increased by 2 yuan/heavy box. On July 16, our white glass continued to rise by 1-2 yuan/heavy box. There are still plans to adjust the increase in the future.

◇Shandong jungrun

From July 6, White glass raised 2 yuan/heavy box, and raised at the same time on LOW-E. There is a plan to adjust the increase in the future!

◇Hubei Minghong

From July 6, White glass will be raised by 1 yuan/heavy box!

The Great Wall glass

From July 6, the ex-factory price of all specifications of glass will be raised by 1 yuan/heavy box, and 1 yuan/heavy box will be raised again on July 8. There is still a plan to increase the price in the future!

◇Taibo East China Sea

From July 7, all thickness white glass will be increased by 1 yuan/heavy box!

◇Hebei Xinli

From July 7, all thickness will be increased by 2-3 yuan/heavy box!

◇Shijiazhuang Yujing

From July 7, all thickness levels will be increased by 1 yuan/heavy box! (It has been raised many times since July)

◇Benxi Jade Crystal

From July 7, all thickness levels will be increased by 1 yuan/heavy box!

◇Dejin industry

From July 7, all thickness will be increased by 3 yuan/heavy box, and there is still a plan to adjust the increase in the future!

◇Hongsheng glass

From July 7, all thickness will be increased by 3 yuan/heavy box!

◇Hebei Yingxin

From July 7, all thickness will be increased by 1 yuan/heavy box!

◇Wuhan Changli

From July 7, the price of glass products will be adjusted as follows:

① 1.6 -- 12mm float white glass yuan increase of 1 yuan/heavy box;

② The original coated glass sheet is raised by 0.5 yuan/㎡!

◇Three Gorges New