Hardcover Delivery Forces Home Dealers to Gradually Move Towards Specialization!

Hardcover delivery forces home dealers to gradually move towards specialization!

In recent years, with the promotion of policies, the delivery ratio of hardcover houses in various regions has steadily increased. Furniture industry, which is regarded as an important downstream industry of real estate, is naturally affected. Among them, Beijing ranks first-tier cities, and the delivery ratio of hardcover houses also ranks first in the country. Under this influence, what changes are Beijing furniture market facing? How do furniture dealers deal with it?

Hardcover delivery, stirring the market "shuffle"

during the visit, the author talked about the market influence of hardcover houses with furniture dealers, and the most common saying I heard was "hardcover houses have reshaped the market".

Taking the most rapidly developing custom home in recent years as an example, the promotion of hardcover houses has the most obvious influence on cabinet furniture.

When it comes to customized home brands, some furniture dealers said: "It is no exaggeration to say that as long as house type images of new houses in Beijing market are announced, customized home brands will make effect pictures. After many consumers enter the store, the shopping guide asked which community and which apartment type, and then the effect diagram can be displayed. The material and color can be adjusted."

cabinet furniture, including wardrobe, sitting room cabinet, and dining room cabinet, is mostly included by Suite furniture brands in the field of finished furniture, but the above-mentioned rendering display and so on, this is not available in traditional suite furniture brands.

Some furniture dealers also talked about specific cases: "Some hardcover rooms may be delivered, such as partitions and other reasons, and a small space may be reserved, such as a part of the wall recessed, this part of space is usually delivered as blanks. After the owners get the house, the first thing they think of is to make this part into cabinets, which can only be customized." This means that the owner may not have bought furniture yet, but the customized home has been included in the "shopping cart.

Of course, not all finished furniture will be under pressure due to the hardcover housing market. On the contrary, some products will benefit from hardcover rooms ".

"Compared with blank delivery, hardcover delivery has changed the original consumption rhythm, which also brings some opportunities to furniture." The most obvious thing is that furniture spending has generally increased, which is also the consensus of many furniture dealers. "in the past, most of them were rough delivery. After consumers got their houses, they first found home improvement companies to produce design drawings, then the construction team entered the site to do hard installation. After all the building materials including cabinets entered the site for decoration, the rest of the budget can be left to furniture, among which soft installation products such as lighting and curtains need to be deducted."

however, the situation is different now. Because of hardcover delivery, consumers often skip the previous link and directly buy furniture and household appliances. At this time, they often leave more budgets for furniture products.

While the total budget increases, many furniture products will also benefit. For example, sofas, dining tables and chairs, beds, mattresses and so on, on the one hand, this type of product is not affected by customized home, on the other hand, because it is hardcover delivery, the space style has been finalized, in the process of communication with consumers, it is easier for brand shopping guides to find suitable products for them.


(Photo source: Furniture Industry-public number, invasion and deletion)

market changes, follow-up adjustment of sales model

in fact, facing the changes brought by the hardcover housing market, furniture dealers are also generally adjusting their strategies.

For example, in order to better cut into the hardcover room market, furniture dealers also generally adopt the method of "reporting to the group for heating", and one of the most obvious operation methods is to create "model houses in the community". In short, several furniture dealers of different product types organize groups to find owners willing to cooperate in the new delivery community by means of special products, and create real-life model houses. Both parties set a cooperation period, during this period, other owners of the same community can visit.

According to the feedback from furniture dealers, this cooperation method is very effective. It is worth noting that this promotion mode does not appear recently, but it has the best effect in the hardcover housing delivery community.

The reason is that even if a model house is set up in the community where the blank is delivered, the early hard-mounted styles are different and the reference effect is limited. The hardcover delivery community, the same type of hard-fitting all unified, so the overall style is more intuitive.

Some furniture dealers said that they took out several sets of products to participate in model room activities in different communities. The styles of each model room are also different. Through this way of "spreading the net widely, it can also better develop the market.

"Many traditional sales models often have great effects on hardcover delivery communities." The head of a soft furniture brand in Beijing also expressed a similar view. Taking group buying in stores as an example, in recent years, in order to promote performance growth, home furnishing stores will also expand new communities to carry out special group buying activities, at first, the effect was obvious, but when everyone did this, the market gradually became numb.

However, when hardcover houses have been fully promoted in recent years, this kind of special group purchase in the community will have another effect. In this regard, the person in charge thinks that it is because of the "standard"-unified decoration style, because the furniture brand has fully grasped the house type and decoration style of the community when participating in the activity, on this basis, the related products are matched well, so during the activity, the marketing promotion is more targeted, but this is exactly what the rough house does not have.

"Take the popular group joining as an example. If it is a blank delivery, when the owners of the community finish the decoration, their spatial styles are obviously different, so it is difficult to group joining at this time. But if it is hardcover delivery, it is easy to find a unified product. For example, sofa, as long as it is a style match, the same apartment can participate, and the transaction rate will rise immediately."


(Photo source: Furniture Industry-public number, invasion and deletion)

there is still room for imagination in the future market.

Although furniture dealers have said that the market is becoming more and more difficult these years, when it comes to the full popularity of hardcover houses in the future, everyone is still optimistic about the future market.

In the view of many dealers, after hardcover houses have limited the style of hardcover, consumers are paying more and more attention to soft clothes. This trend will be more obvious in the future. As long as the products have characteristics and selling points, there must be a market.

At the same time, furniture dealers have basically formed a consensus. On the basis of understanding their own products, they need to accurately grasp the type and style of hardcover houses in the market, whether it is promotion outside the store or marketing in the store, they can quickly provide reasonable matching suggestions to consumers instead of selling products in the past. In conclusion, the changes in the new house market are forcing furniture dealers to gradually become professional.


(Photo source: Furniture Industry-public number, invasion and deletion)

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Source: furniture weekly author: Tan Xiaohong

(Article Source: Furniture Industry-public number, invasion and deletion)