B&Q Invite You to Take Part in the Action of Burning Youth "Benefit"

B&Q invite you to take part in the action of burning youth "benefit"

in July, the leader of home improvement and home furnishing industry celebrated his 22nd birthday in China B&Q. 22 years ago, from the beginning of China to the gradual development of home decoration and home furnishing market, Li Li created new products. He had a deep insight into the market B&Q, taking consumer demand as the first orientation, and built healthy and environment-friendly for countless consumers step by step, comfortable and comfortable home life, and become a leading brand in home decoration industry. B&Q with the initial heart, pursue dreams and build a family with the never-ending passion of youth.

In order to advocate a healthy lifestyle and release the energy of youth, at this special moment worthy of joint celebration, B&Q takes "burning youth and benefiting actions" as its theme, he Chong, the champion of diving Olympic Games, and Deng Linlin, the champion of gymnastics Olympic Games, were invited to help. Taking WeChat sports platform as the carrier and integrating online and offline channels, the special event of "making dreams and making donations" was launched. This activity carries youth energy with the Olympic spirit and promotes the promotion of healthy lifestyle through public welfare activities. From now until July 22, consumers can search for "making dreams and making donations" in WeChat mini program to participate in this activity. On B&Q, the number of donated steps in this activity will be converted into a public welfare donation to enter the B&Q dream burning home Foundation. For every 10,000 steps donated by users, one yuan will be donated to the dream burning home Foundation. B&Q join hands with the dream home furnishing Foundation to help the public welfare and build a home for love.

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(Image Source: Pan home network, invasion and deletion)

the activity of "making dreams and making donations" launched B&Q led the public to participate in the charity donation operation simply, quickly and actively in an interesting way, advocate the concept of inclusive public welfare and healthy life, and practice public welfare "begins with one step". Participants only need to search for small programs to enter the activity page, click "Start donation journey" and "donate now" to authorize to obtain Daily WeChat sports steps and donate steps, users who have successfully donated money also have the opportunity to participate in the lottery and unlock surprise gifts, exercise fat burning with the Olympic champion, and spend the refreshing summer of green environmental protection and health; At the same time, practice and donate through steps, practice a healthy lifestyle from a tiny force and help the public welfare dream with its own Firefly light.

It is worth mentioning that in the activity of "starting the donation journey", B&Q was ingenious, taking "notes of development" as a clue, combining with the advantages of "one-stop" service, flexibly using champion IP, it presents a colorful Road for users from "starting to dream" to "dreaming to start a family. In the donation activity, users need to go through the "new home prototype corridor", "quality building materials street" and "fashion custom overpass" when arriving at the destination. Each journey includes different steps in the home decoration process, for example, "Fashion Design", "ingenuity" and "colorful paint. On B&Q, with the help of this road of home decoration, the new retail mode of one-stop home shopping, the concept of green home decoration and the persistence of public welfare undertakings will be fully demonstrated; in the process of donating to complete public welfare actions, users can not only intuitively experience the process of home decoration, but also in interactive design where flexibility and interest coexist, I feel the 22-year development history of B&Q from 1999to 2021and the Olympic spirit of passionate youth and fighting for love.

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(Image Source: Pan home network, invasion and deletion)

the Sun and the moon are flying like a shuttle. In a twinkling of an eye, B&Q has been on the road of dreaming of starting a family with consumers for 22 years. Since 22 years ago, we have been deeply engaged in the home decoration industry, bringing consumers a healthy and secure home life with profound foresight, precise construction technology, higher product standards and strict environmental protection standards, it is always the unswerving goal and unremitting pursuit of B&Q. The help of the Olympic champion is exactly B&Q to meet the new needs of consumers, adhere to the implementation of environmental protection and home decoration, advocate a healthy lifestyle, and create a healthier and healthier life for countless consumers, more environmentally friendly ideal home embodiment. B&Q help countless Chinese consumers with the dream of creating a healthy life to create a better life together.

(Article Source: Pan home network, invasion and deletion)