2021 New Human Settlement Industry Summit Is about to Kick off

2021 China's new habitat Industry Summit is about to kick off

In 2021, we have never been so close to the beautiful vision of "great power intelligence and ideal habitat.

Over the past 100 years, China's manufacturing industry has witnessed the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation from scratch, from weak to strong, from manufacturing to "intelligent manufacturing, it also witnessed the rapid development of China's economy and society and the great changes of the national lifestyle since the reform and opening up.

In the past 100 years, with the development of the times and the improvement of the national living standard, the living style and consumption habits have undergone earth-shaking changes, which also force home furnishing enterprises to constantly transform and upgrade, new intelligence, new channels, new species and new tools have become important factors driving industrial reform.

In 2021, it was the centennial anniversary of China's *** and the first year of the 14th Five-Year Plan. In order to understand the intelligent manufacturing layout of home furnishing enterprises created by big countries and analyze the current situation of home furnishing and building materials industry after the epidemic, leading enterprises to advance to the development of digital intelligence, Youju, Tencent home shell, and jointly launch a series of reports on "great power intelligent building · ideal living" jointly with China Construction Expo (Guangzhou), which will start from channels, intelligent building, products, technology, design, materials, strategy and other dimensions are deeply linked with the champion enterprise first show platform to let more people see the charm of intelligent manufacturing in China and home digitization in a more focused way.


(Image Source: Tencent home, invasion and deletion)

At the same time, on July 20, the 2021 new habitat industry summit of "great power Smart Building · ideal habitat" will also hit the forum area of Hall 10.3, Area B, Canton Fair exhibition hall. This summit was hosted by Youju, China Construction Expo (Guangzhou), Tencent home shell, co-hosted by doors and windows Mo SE, JOMOO, Millennium boat, Crown bead tile, AOTIN, Zhongguang Aust, hotata, YOOGE integrated kitchen strategic cooperation and TCL Special Cooperation. At that time, many industry experts and senior executives of enterprises will discuss with each other to jointly analyze the current industry situation and comprehensively interpret the ideal consumer demand, provide suggestions for the upgrading and development of the home industry under the curtain of intelligent manufacturing.

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An authoritative consumption report. The ideal residential consumption report is released to interpret the digitization process of the home industry.

In 2021, Chinese household consumption demand was further emerging in the post-epidemic era. It is not difficult to find from the summary of "World War 618" released by major platforms recently that intelligent, convenient, healthy and one-stop home decoration and home space have become the new trend and trend of modern living lifestyle. With the constant changes in the main structure of consumption, household consumption orientation will become more and more diversified.

Changes in household consumption demand promote the development trend of the industry and bring new opportunities for the future development of enterprises. Whether we can grasp these trends well will have a qualitative impact on home furnishing enterprises.

In order to help the construction of ideal human settlements and decode the current industry ecology and future trends, Youju and Tencent home Shell launched a pre-exhibition survey of "great power Smart Building · ideal human settlements", starting from two dimensions of industry and consumer, through big data, we can analyze users' ideal human settlement imagination, gain insight into the digitalization process of the home furnishing industry, and finally form an ideal human settlement Consumption Report, providing some references and guidelines for the future development of home furnishing enterprises.

On July 20th, at the 2021 new habitat industry summit of "great power intelligence-ideal habitat", this ideal habitat consumption report will be officially released and will bring a detailed interpretation. This will undoubtedly be one of the most attractive highlights of this summit.

An industry analysis course decodes the empowerment effect of ideal human settlement and explores the development direction of Industry Digitization and intelligence.

With the rapid recovery of the industry boom after the epidemic, some enterprises seize the opportunity to act frequently in the aspect of intelligence and achieve rapid growth by meeting new consumption demands, some enterprises also stopped because of the lack of consumer insight and the constraint of digital intelligence ability. In the post-epidemic era, what strategic position does digital intelligence occupy in the development of household enterprises? How should Enterprises empower ideal human settlements by building digitalization? What is the ideal habitat model in the future? How should enterprises deal with it?

The answers to the above questions will be answered at the 2021 new habitat industry summit of "great power intelligence-ideal habitat. It is understood that this summit specially invited Liu Xiaomin, general manager of China Foreign Trade Exhibition Co., Ltd., the organizer of China Construction Expo, Cai Yi, CEO of Youju, Chen Yanfei, vice president of Youju, wu Wei Design director & co-established co-founder Wu Wei and outstanding brand representatives such as Mo se and Millennium boat will give speeches and share themes. They will be from the perspectives of exhibition, media, industry, Design, brand, etc, in-depth analysis of the development direction of industry digital intelligence and sharing successful cases of brand empowerment of ideal human settlements will certainly inspire the development of enterprise digital intelligence.

A summit dialogue feast. Home furnishing entrepreneurs debate on the same stage and discuss new opportunities for new changes in the industry.

In the post-epidemic era, China's manufacturing industry entered new developmental period. Under the action plan of "Made in China 2025", the construction process of manufacturing power has accelerated. As the main direction of building a powerful manufacturing country, the intelligent manufacturing policy system is continuously improving, continuously promoting the development of digitalization, networking and intelligentization of manufacturing industry. With the empowerment of new generation information technologies such as 5G and industrial internet, home furnishing enterprises are competing to add code and upgrade the layout of intelligent manufacturing.

Facing the rolling stream of intelligent manufacturing, different enterprises have different advanced methodologies. This new Habitat summit forum brought together representatives of home furnishing enterprises from different fields such as Mo se, Millennium boat, JOMOO, China-Guangzhou Autus, AOTIN and hotata to discuss new opportunities for industry changes, it is bound to collide with valuable ideological sparks.

If 2020 is a year full of uncertainty, then as the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan", it is also the beginning of the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way. 2021 can be said to be the year of rally forces again. On the one hand, as a global manufacturing center, China has a complete industrial chain Foundation and a broad market space, and the epidemic will not change the long-term trend of major industries. On the other hand, intelligent manufacturing plays an important role in empowering industrial transformation, leaving a huge imagination space for people.

As the first exhibition platform of the world's first champion enterprise in the big home construction industry, the annual China Construction Expo (Guangzhou) is a first exhibition feast in the industry, gathering a group of experts who are good at intelligent manufacturing and admire aesthetics, better understand Chinese excellent brands and show the latest products, designs, technologies and trends. How will the deep linkage between the 2021 new habitat Industry Summit and China Construction Expo (Guangzhou) boost the full release of intelligent energy for home construction and installation? We look forward to it together!

July 20

2021 new habitat industry summit

Forum area, Hall 10.3, Area B, Canton Fair Exhibition Hall

We will see each other

(Article Source: Tencent home, invasion and deletion)