Broken Bridge Aluminum Window Frame

When balcony window meets balcony, it needs ceiling, bedroom window needs window frame, and window sill needs to stick marble countertop. Under these circumstances, if the auxiliary frame is not added to the broken bridge aluminum window, the Casement cannot be opened normally after decoration.
Therefore, door and window designers will design auxiliary frames for broken bridge aluminum windows when encountering the above situation.
The design drawing and post-installation effect diagram of the Broken Bridge aluminum window sub-frame are as follows:
The price of broken bridge aluminum window sub-frame is 140 yuan per meter. Generally, in order to save costs, the window will not be added with a circle of sub-frame, but only add sub-frame in the affected part of the window. Of course, if the budget allows, it is better to add a circle of sub-frame, which will make the window area stronger and not deformed.