Broken Bridge Aluminum Doors and Windows What Is the Difference between 300 Yuan and 1500 Yuan?

When many customers hear broken bridge aluminum of 1500 yuan per square meter, they will think that they only have 300 yuan. Oh, my God! How much money do you have to earn from us.

Recently, I heard from a friend of the owner that I was almost cheated when I closed the balcony at home for bridge-cutoff aluminum alloy. The price that was originally negotiated has been planned.

I asked another one casually, and found that the same materials and practices were much cheaper. What's wrong with it?

It is said that it is easy to be cheated if you are greedy for small profits. Today, please ask the master who has 20 years of experience to talk about all kinds of tricks for merchants behind Broken Bridge aluminum doors and windows. After reading it, you will not be cheated.

In fact, broken bridge aluminum doors and windows the industry routine is very deep. Let's carefully analyze how much money can Broken Bridge aluminum doors and windows earn you?

Let's take the 60 series as an example. The cheaper one costs more than 300 yuan per square meter, the more expensive one costs 600 yuan, 700 yuan, and even more than 1500 yuan per square meter. From the appearance, these kinds of broken bridge aluminum, almost exactly the same, then what is the difference between them?

Today, we will analyze the price difference from the aspects of material cost, process cost, window type, installation and service.

Material Cost

Feed stock cost can be divided into 5 parts, which are Profiles, glass, insulation strips, hardware and silicon sealant.

1. Profiles (the price difference per square meter is about 70 yuan)

The thickness of 60 series Broken Bridge aluminum profiles ranges from 1.2mm to 1.8mm. According to the calculation of 6m profiles, each 1.2mm profile is 70 yuan cheaper than 1.8mm. However, a window of 1 square meter often requires a profile of about 6m.

2. Hollow glass (the price difference per square meter is about 80 yuan)

First of all, 60 Broken Bridge hollow glass has non-tempered hollow, single-sided tempered hollow, and double-sided tempered hollow. For materials alone, non-tempered hollow is about 70 yuan per square meter, while double-sided tempered Hollow can reach more than 120 yuan per square meter.

Secondly, there are three types of hollow glass that can be assembled with 60 broken bridge glass:

5 6a, 5 9a, 5 12a 5

Among these three specifications, the sound insulation performance of 5 6a 5 is the worst, and the sound insulation performance of 5 12a5 is the best. Their price difference is between 25 and 30 yuan per square meter.

3: heat insulation strip (the price difference per square meter is about 50 yuan)

Ordinary PVC insulation strips are generally about 6000 to 7000 tons, while nylon 66 insulation strips are as high as 28000 yuan per ton, which is estimated to be 50 yuan per square meter.

4: hardware (the price difference per square meter is about 150 yuan)

Take a set of hardware opened in the market, the price is less than 100 yuan, while the quality of a set is 200~300 yuan, especially imported brands, it is as high as 400~500 yuan. Open 1 window according to an average of 3 square meters, and the difference per square meter is about 150 yuan.

5: silicon sealant (the price difference per square meter is about 20 yuan)

When installing broken bridge aluminum doors and windows, some people used sealant for caulking for two or three yuan to save money, while some people used structural adhesive on the outer wall to meet the quality requirements, each piece reaches more than 18 yuan. Take consumers as an example, do you want to use two or three pieces of glue to save money? Or use better quality structural adhesive for quality?

Process cost
(The price difference per flat is calculated at 200 yuan)

A set of production equipment of regular large factories is usually hundreds of thousands or even millions, while a set of production equipment of small workshops is 6 or 70000.

The process cost is not only reflected in the equipment, but also the design cost, utilities and so on of the regular large factories are all exactly what the small workshops expect.

Reflected in the processing cost, the average small workshop is about 2,000~3,000 yuan per ton, while the large factory needs 5,000~6,000 yuan per ton. The difference is really huge.

Correspondingly, the products produced by expensive equipment can achieve high precision, high quality and high standard, which is not comparable to those produced by small workshops. We can see the huge difference in price, but we cannot always ignore the difference in quality.

Therefore, the process cost is reflected in the price. Generally, the difference between 100 and 200 yuan per square meter is also very common.

Window cost
(The price difference per flat is calculated at 600 yuan)

However, the production costs of different window types are also very different. For example, only one movable window square meter is opened, and only one movable window square meter is opened, because the number of materials used is different, the cost difference can reach several times!

Installation and service
(The price difference per flat is about 50 yuan)

This is actually very simple. Different levels of installers have different warranty duration and cost.

For example, a master with 3 years of installation experience and a master with only 3 months of installation experience, which one do you choose? You must choose 3 years of installation experience!

If the salaries of the two masters are the same, how can the Masters with 3 months of experience mix? The warranty duration is better understood. The longer the warranty commitment is, the greater the risk the merchant has to bear. Just like insurance, the natural cost is also high. The price difference is calculated at 50 yuan per square meter.

Finally, add all the price difference above, 70 (profile) 80 (glass) 50 (insulation strip) 150 (hardware) 20 (silicon sealant) 200 (process) 600 (window type) 50 (installation and service) = 1220 yuan.

Another point is that car window shade, broken bridge aluminum doors and windows will be standard invisible car window shade, if merchants increase fees on these projects, it is unreasonable.

Regular door and window merchants know the quotation construction through door-to-door measurement. During the process, drawing, dismantling and installation are included in the quotation per square meter. No additional project should be established to increase the cost. Attention must be paid when purchasing.

I believe that you have a clear understanding of the price difference of broken bridge aluminum doors and windows. In the process of choosing doors and windows, we also recommend that you choose doors and windows of different prices according to your actual situation.

The water in this industry is very deep, and there are many tricks.

If you want a perfect balcony, the brand, structure, hardware accessories, artificial technology and after-sales service of aluminum profiles are all crucial links. You must compare more and do not blindly covet cheap prices.

Just like buying a car, QQ with tens of thousands of dollars has small space, few functions and slow running, while Mercedes-Benz BMW with hundreds of thousands of dollars has large space, many functions and strong power. The final choice of QQ or Mercedes-Benz depends on their family conditions and practical use.

The purchase of doors and windows also depends on your own family conditions. If you are willing to solve the problem at one time, you will buy products with better quality. The price is higher, but the problem is solved at one time without any worries.

If the conditions are not allowed, you can use products with lower prices. When the conditions permit in the future, you can change the products with good quality. This is also an expedient measure.