Big Brand Mo Se Doors and Windows Also Have Problems

Mo se doors and windows shop: for installation, reduced scale is normal

Jiujiang News Network News "on October 26 last year, I ordered eight Mo se windows in 'Broken Bridge aluminum doors and windows. In March this year, I found that the design drawings issued by the Merchant were defective, and then found out the problems such as "shrinking" of the window size installed by the merchant." Recently, Mr. Guo, a citizen, reported to the reporter of Xunyang Evening News that he had communicated with merchants many times, but until now he could not reach an agreement.

In this regard, Mr. Wu, the head of the Mo se doors and windows shop on the first floor of the East China International Pavilion, said that in order to be installed, it is normal to have reduced scale windows.

Citizen: The window design is unreasonable, and the size is "shrinking"

According to Mr. Guo, on October 26 last year, he ordered a batch of Mo se windows in the Broken Bridge aluminum doors and windows shop on the first floor of the East China International Pavilion. After two on-site measurements, the merchant issued design drawings, mr. Guo then paid a total of 62000 yuan twice. "According to the design drawings, most windows have filled square materials, which is for the installation of curtain box. But now, if you install the curtains according to the previous ideas, you can't use them normally." Mr. Guo told the reporter of Xunyang Evening News that the broken bridge aluminum window he customized was open and inverted. Once the window was opened, the curtain could not be pushed and pulled normally. "For this reason, I have consulted the merchant many times about this matter, but the other party said that I recognized the design drawings".

In addition to the unreasonable design, Mr. Guo also found more serious problems: "my new house was supervised by a decoration company. In March, the staff of the decoration company told me, mo se doors and windows are responsible for the installation of broken bridge aluminum window size 'shrink '." Mr. Guo said that he asked Jiujiang judicial authentication center to identify the size of the Broken Bridge aluminum window when he failed to negotiate with the merchant for many times. In the appraisal report provided by mr. guo, the reporter of xunyang evening news saw that there was no error between the width of the broken bridge aluminum window of the large balcony in the living room and the height of the broken bridge aluminum window of the main bathroom and the design size, the height and width of the remaining six Broken Bridge aluminum windows are different from the design size, and the difference is between 8mm and 150mm. Jiujiang Judicial Authentication Center believes that according to the on-site measurement, the actual size of the eight broken bridge aluminum windows does not match the size of the original design drawing, and the deviation value exceeds 3mm, which does not meet the allowable deviation value for the installation of aluminum alloy doors and windows specified in the quality acceptance standard for Architectural Decoration Engineering. "The construction area on the design drawing is 40.4299 ㎡, actually the measured area is 39.4042 ㎡. If the area of square material is removed, it is only 38.2854 ㎡." Mr. Guo told the reporter of Xunyang Evening News that the window was billed by area, and he thought that merchants were cheating consumers.

"In fact, in the process of judicial authentication, Mo se doors and windows also took out the order form they provided to the manufacturer. The size on this order form is off size the size on the design drawing, indicating that they deliberately had problems with the size." Mr. Guo said that he asked the merchant to remake and carry out the construction according to the design drawings, but the merchant said that he was only willing to refund 5,000 yuan. "At present, the market supervision administration of Qianxi district has intervened in this matter".

Square material and filler above the window.

Merchant: does not agree with the appraisal conclusion, has applied for re-inspection

Later, the reporter of Xunyang Evening News came to the Mo se doors and windows shop on the first floor of the East China International Pavilion. Regarding this matter, a person in charge named Wu said that Mr. Guo's signature was on the design drawing, indicating that the design scheme had been approved by the owner, "now the owner doubts that the design scheme is unreasonable, it is not legally supported".

As for the problem of window size "shrinking", Mr. Wu said that if the window is completely made according to the size of the window hole, it is impossible to complete the installation, generally there are reduced scale, "Moreover, Mr. Guo's new house window hole is not rectangular. If we dress obliquely according to the shape of the window hole, there will be abnormal noise when using it". Mr. Wu said that when he provided the size to the manufacturer, he provided it according to the short side of the window hole and filled the gap during installation. "In addition, Mr. Guo did not install new windows for the new house, but removed the Windows originally installed by the developer and then installed new ones, which is also one of the reasons for measurement errors." Mr. Wu said that he told Mr. Guo that after the installation, he would "refund more and make up less" according to the actual size ".

However, Mr. Wu also said frankly that during the installation of one of the Broken Bridge aluminum windows, the supervisor of Mr. Guo's new house said that because of the ceiling, materials needed to be added above the windows, "We didn't communicate with Mr. Guo about this, which is our mistake". As for Mr. Guo's request, Mr. Wu said that he could not accept it: "The price I gave him is already 30% off. Even according to the appraisal, the area is only about 1 ㎡ short, I proposed to refund 7,000 yuan, which is several times or even ten times the price of doors and windows of 1 ㎡, but Mr. Guo still disagreed."

"I don't agree with the appraisal conclusion of Jiujiang judicial authentication center, because the" quality acceptance standard of building decoration and decoration engineering "is formulated in accordance with rough houses. In fact, Mr. Guo's family is to tear old and replace new ones, the situation is different." Mr. Wu said that he had applied for re-examination.

In this regard, a staff member of the market supervision and administration bureau of Qianxi district said that the merchant had objections to the appraisal report issued by Jiujiang judicial appraisal center and required re-inspection, and is currently going through the process. "We will handle it according to the re-inspection results." The staff said that if the re-inspection result shows that the deviation value exceeds the standard, the market supervision department will start the administrative punishment procedure; If the re-inspection result is "qualified", the market supervision department will also organize both parties to negotiate.