How Much Is the 110 Series of Shimilo Doors and Windows Per Square Meter

Shimilo doors and windows how much is one square meter? & yen;780.00 yuan ≥ 1 square meter broken bridge aluminum insect-proof soundproof window.

For 110 series broken bridge windows, the outer side is space-like gray, the inner side is sand Gray, the wall thickness is 1.5, the fixed frame is 570 yuan/square meter, and the handles of Casement and car window shade are imported from Germany, if the total is 10 square meters, open 5 Live fans, open one separately and add 740 yuan, so that is, 570*10=5700 yuan (fixed frame price) 5*740=3700 yuan (opening fan price),10 square meters of 110 series broken bridge windows total: 9400 yuan.

Freight price of 110 series broken bridge windows

In addition, the freight is the installation fee. Some window shapes are divided into several parts, so we can only say the approximate price of a single item. For example, from Foshan, Guangdong to Nanning, Guangxi, then a single piece is 25-35 yuan, and the window frame and glass are calculated separately. Glass is usually customized to prevent it from being easily broken during transportation, there will also be a certain fee, which is generally 50-60 yuan each.

Installation cost of 110 series broken bridge windows

The installation cost of broken bridge windows will be the same according to the charges from different places. In some places, 150 square meters and 180 square meters in some areas. In this way, as long as you want to customize the 110 series window screen with good quality, the average price of the factory freight installation fee should be around 1,000 yuan per square meter. Products that are too cheap still need to be considered again and again.