Wooden Door Handle Height Standard

The height of door handles in general families is about 1100mm.

1. If there are children at home, it is recommended that the height of the door handle be 0.8 m to 0.85 m. Otherwise, when the child opens the door, he or she needs to step on the stool to reach the door handle, which may cause an accident and fall.

2. If there are no children at home, it is reasonable to set the height of the door handle to 1m according to the average height of adults.

3. When a person is twisting the door handle, his forearm is in a horizontal state, which is the most comfortable. From the perspective of mechanics, the wrist joint and forearm are only subject to tension without other bending and twisting forces, so the height of elbow joint is the most suitable height of door handle.

4. If it is a door handle in public, because there are many people using it, the height of the door handle can be determined according to the distribution density of the elbow joint height size of the user. If it is used by ordinary families, consider the height of family members.

5. Sometimes the height of door handles will be different in different occasions. Usually the door handle of the gate and the office room is higher than that of the indoor one, and the kindergarten one must be lower than the ordinary door handle.