What Is the Price of Seahawk System Doors and Windows?

Usually, according to the villa's doors and windows, the grid should be 1500 yuan per square meter. Mori Eagle has many advertisements, 1900¥/m2.

How much is a square meter for system doors and windows? Depending on the brand and model, take 70 series system doors and windows as an example, the average price is about 1200 yuan per square meter, while if the top ten brand system doors and windows, the average price of system doors and windows is less than 2,000 yuan per square meter, the price is 5000 or 6000 per square meter, so consumers still choose system doors and windows according to their actual budget.

Under normal circumstances, the price of system doors and windows is 700 yuan to 1500 yuan per square meter. Of course, when selecting, we cannot blindly pursue the price, it does not mean that the more expensive it is, the better it is. Therefore, we should choose according to our needs.

The price of system doors and windows depends on our requirements. Like ordinary doors and windows, they are also divided into medium and low end, medium and high end. The price of ordinary system windows is 600-1500 square meters, high-end system window prices range from 1500 to 2500.

There is a big gap between the prices of common system windows and high-end system windows. From the perspective of the most basic aluminum, glass, hardware and technology, the materials used for common system windows are about 19000 tons, high-end system Windows use more than 25000 raw materials, and Glass also has a gap of 100-200 square meters. Hardware is compared with imported hardware, and each set of hardware may differ by more than 200 yuan.