How Much Is Xinchengwansi Doors and Windows Per Square Meter

Doors and windows cost 00 yuan per square meter, brand plastic steel profiles cost only 10000 yuan/ton, while Zhongwang broken bridge aluminum profiles cost at least 20000 yuan/ton, so xinchengwansi doors and windows New Simple series three rails triple action sliding door kitchen door living room door mute price </em> & yen; 980.00 Taobao Price & yen; 1980.00, bridge-cutoff aluminum alloy flat window 108 window screen integrated 120 sealed balcony hollow tempered glass soundproof system doors and windows retail price ¥498.00

Xinchengwansi doors and windows are located in Guanghan doors and windows Industrial Park, Sichuan, an important town of doors and windows in China, covering an area of more than 40,000 square meters. Focus on decorating doors, windows and systems.

Generally, the high price of door and window brands is in Foshan door and window brands. At the same time, the products are among the top in the country, and the brand promotion is also relatively well-known. Compared with door and window brands such as Sichuan, the price must be lower than that of Foshan, at present, the average price of broken bridge aluminum doors and windows in the market is about 800 yuan per square meter. If it is inland, the price should be lower. If the requirement is ordinary aluminum alloy doors and windows, the price should be 650 yuan per square meter. At the same time, General door and window brands will not report prices on the Internet. In addition to regional protection, the prices of different accessories are different, so it is difficult to set a price.