The Reason Why Broken Bridge Aluminum Doors and Windows Is Expensive

Now more and more families have installed broken bridge aluminum doors and windows, and many customers will exclaim when they hear the quotation of 1500 yuan. BEYINKA is only 300 yuan, and your industry is too violent.

Recently, I chatted with an owner and talked about the topic of broken bridge aluminum. He said that the price had been discussed when the decoration was done broken bridge aluminum, but when I passed by another store, I found that the price was not so expensive when the quality was equal, after that, I made it cheap. Now I find it cheated, and I still get what I pay.

It is said that the door and window industry in Broken Bridge aluminum has deep water, so let's analyze and analyze whether Broken Bridge aluminum doors and windows are profiteering industries.

We take the 60 series as an example. The cheap one costs 300 yuan per square meter, and the expensive one costs about 700 yuan per square meter. Some stores may cost 1500 yuan per square meter. Although the prices of these broken bridge aluminum yuan are not uniform, but there is no difference from external analysis. Why?

Today, we will analyze the installation, cost, process, service and other directions of broken bridge aluminum to see how big the gap between broken bridge aluminum at different prices is.

I. Basic cost

The cost of raw materials can be divided into 5 parts, including profiles, insulation strips, hardware, glass and silicon sealant.

1. Profiles (the difference per square meter is about 70 yuan)

The thickness of 60 series of broken bridge aluminum profiles ranges from 1.2mm to 1.8mm. According to the calculation of a 6m profile, each 1.2mm profile is about 70 yuan cheaper than 1.8mm. While our one-square-meter window needs about 6m profiles.

2. Hollow glass (the difference per square meter is about 80 yuan)

First, 60 Broken Bridge aluminum hollow glass has the difference of non-tempered hollow, single-sided and double-sided tempered hollow. From the material point of view, the price of non-tempered hollow is about 70 yuan per square meter, the double-sided tempered hollow may be as high as about 120 yuan per square meter.

Second, 60 Broken Bridge aluminum glass can be assembled hollow glass specifications are divided into three categories: 5 6a 5,5 9a 5,5 12a 5

Among the above three specifications, 5 6a 5 has the worst heat insulation and sound insulation effect, and 5 12a5 has the best sound insulation and heat insulation effect. Their price difference is about 25-30 yuan per square meter.

Third Point, heat insulation strip (the difference per square meter is about 50 yuan)

The market price of ordinary pvc insulation strip is about 7000 a ton, while the price of nylon 66 insulation strip is higher, which can be about 28000 yuan per ton, and the price difference per square meter is 50 yuan.

Fourth point, hardware (150 yuan per month for each flat price difference)

The lowest price of a set of hardware on the market may be less than 100 yuan, and the better quality may be about 300 yuan, while the imported one is more expensive and can be sold at 500 yuan. We calculate by opening 1 window on average of 3 square meters, and the price difference per square meter can be 150 yuan.

Point 5, silicon sealant (the price difference per square meter is about 20 yuan)

When installing broken bridge aluminum doors and windows, some people use cheap sealant to save money (the price is only two or three yuan), and some people use exterior wall structural adhesive if they have requirements on the quality of life, each piece can be 20 yuan. If you are a decorator, will you use the glue with lower price or higher price but better quality?

II. Process cost

The production equipment of small factories is different from that of large factories. A set of equipment of small factories costs tens of thousands of dollars, while a set of equipment of large factories may reach millions. Don't underestimate the differences in equipment, which can all reflect the production cost. It is not only the differences in equipment, but also the costs of hydropower, design and factories in large factories are far from enough for small factories.

In terms of processing costs, large factories can be around 5,000 yuan per ton, while small factories may only be around 2,000 yuan.

Due to different production equipment, the products produced by good production equipment are much better in quality and precision than those with lower prices, so the performance of price difference is reflected in the above factors, when looking at the price difference, don't ignore the quality of the product itself. According to the above conclusion, it can be concluded that the gap is about 200 yuan per square meter.

3. Window type difference

Different window models also vary greatly in production costs. For example, only one movable window square meter is opened, and only one movable window square meter is opened, because the number of materials used is different, the cost difference can be several times. Roughly analyze the difference of 600 yuan per square meter.

IV. After-sales service

After-sales service can be divided into installation and after-sales service after installation. Installation workers of different levels and quality assurance duration have great influence on the price, we will calculate it according to the price difference of 50 yuan per square meter.

Let's make an analogy. Do we choose new people to install doors and windows or people who have several years of experience? Normally, you will choose experienced workers and Masters.

If the income of people who have just entered the industry is the same as that of workers and masters who have been in the industry for many years, the industry can be said to have reached its end.

Let's sum up, adding the above price difference together can draw a conclusion: adding all the above price difference together, 70 (profile) 80 (glass) 50 (insulation strip) 150 (hardware) 20 (silicon sealant) 200 (craft) 600 (window type) 50 (installation and service) = 1220 yuan.

Finally, there is car window shade problem. Generally, broken bridge aluminum doors and windows is equipped with invisible car window shade. If there is a merchant, it is unreasonable. Regular manufacturers know the quotation construction when they go to the door for measurement, and draw and construct in the process. Installation is included in the quotation per square meter, and additional charges should not be added.

Seeing this, I believe you have already understood why the price difference is so huge in Broken Bridge aluminum doors and windows, so when choosing doors and windows, you should consider how to match them according to family pack repair and your own situation. Just like buying a house, you need to make a decision on whether to buy or improve a house according to your own needs. Just need a house is to solve the urgent need. Improving the surrounding environment and property is better than just need a house, we can accumulate certain assets before replacing them.