Opaiobini Doors and Windows Customization to Induce Consumers

Yichang jindongshan building materials market opaiou platinum doors and windows customization to induce consumers
Published anonymously at 13:36 on November 01, 2021.
Complaint No.: 17355685198
Complaint object: oupai home group
Complaint issues: cheating consumers, refund issues, advertising promotions misleading consumption
Complaint requirements: quick handling and refund
Amount involved: 99 yuan

On September 13, 2021, my mother went to the jindongshan building materials market to choose the door and enter the opaiou platinum door and window customization shop. I thought it was not bad. I added the store's sales WeChat on the same day, because someone took a fancy to a wooden door named blano in oupai Tmall store in other places and sent a screenshot to the sales notice that it was painting door. At that time, the sales said to apply for this door 2100 with hardware, until October 6, I went back to Yichang to make an inquiry on the spot. At that time, I told the sales and store manager that the height of my door opening was 2.27 meters, and the color was light gray, it was confirmed that the door type was Brano painting door. At that time, I was quoted 12919 yuan, including four doors and 50 m skirting lines, but the price was not discussed, at 08:15 in the evening, I contacted the sales to ask if a door of 2100 could be made and was rejected. During this period, the store manager also contacted me that the price was very affordable, but considering the price promised at the beginning, I did not agree, until 09:34 in the evening, a factory manager surnamed Chen of the store contacted me and said that 2100 could be done and promised that the door opening 2.27 High was no problem, and agreed that four doors plus 50 meters skirting line totaled 10900 yuan, I agree and transfer 1000 yuan of intent money to the sales I contacted before through WeChat and contact me after negotiation. After that, due to my family reasons, I have not been able to find time to arrange measure gauge for home, on October 14, the sales WeChat contacted me and said there was an activity. I signed up for 99 yuan to send gifts, and promised to return the 99 yuan to me through the payment, I consider that since I can customize the wooden door in this store, I will return it later, so I spent 99 yuan on the same day to sign up. On October 18, the designer who made an appointment in advance came to measure gauge, after the designer finished measuring, he said that the Brano I saw could not be super high. However, due to the details, the design said that he needed to go back and ask. At 6 pm that day, I asked how to decide the sales door plan, the sales replied to me that the door type, color and door height I requested cannot be made, unless I change the color or door type, I did not agree, Therefore, the sales returned 1,000 yuan of intent money to me through WeChat. I asked when 99 yuan would be refunded for the activities attended on the 14th. The sales said that they needed to ask the activity party, until today, the registration fee of 99 yuan has not been refunded. From September 13 to October 18, I clearly told the store to sell the door type I selected, the color and the height of the door opening, and the manager of the store made a full promise on the phone on the evening of October 6. If there is no problem, I can pay the intention fee, it was also because I was sure that I could do it that I participated in the activity given to me by recommend of the sales. Now because of their mistakes in work, the cooperation failed, but I did not return the activity fee for participating in the activity.