How Much Is the Price of Extremely Narrow Door Per Square Meter?

[Introduction]: how much is the price of extremely narrow door per square meter? The price of extremely narrow doors varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Different aluminum and glass will affect the price of products. The price of 16mm extremely narrow doors is generally 600-800 square meters, however, there are many choices in the selection of the 18 series. For example, the price of three rails linkage or hanging rail will be dozens of yuan per square meter.

Extremely narrow doors have been popular all over the country in recent years. More and more young people will think of extremely narrow door series at the first time when choosing doors for home decoration. More and more people choose extremely narrow sliding door or vertical hinged door for both balconies and bathrooms, consumers are also more concerned about its price, so how much is the price of extremely narrow door beige colored wool per square meter?

1. What is extremely narrow door?

For many people, although they have heard of extremely strait gate, many people still don't know what extremely strait gate means. In fact, the width of optical enterprises is very narrow, and the thickness of extremely strait gate optical enterprises on the market is16mm or18mm, as for which one to choose, it depends on personal preferences,16 series are usually single glass,18 series is hollow glass configuration more.

2. How much is the price of the extremely narrow door per square meter?

The price of extremely narrow doors varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Different aluminum and glass will affect the price of products,16mm the price of extremely narrow door is generally600-800 one square, and18 there are many choices for series selection. For example, the price of three rails linkage or hanging rail will be dozens of yuan per square meter.

3. What are the styles of extremely narrow doors?

The extremely narrow doors are diversified in style like them, but the extremely narrow purpose is simple and generous, but some people also like decorative designs, such as silk-lined landscape paintings or silk-lined vertical lines and other craft glass, like this, it belongs to the glass craft, and the price will be high150-400 it varies from level to level, depending on your own requirements.

4. Extremely narrow sliding door what area?

Extremely narrow sliding door use area recommend study, kitchen, bathroom or special area partition, kangying doors and windows extremely narrow sliding door insert frame, double-sided adhesive tape and wool tops seal, when closing the door, the door leaf is more stable, sealed, better anti-insect effect.

Finally, everyone is buying extremely narrow door remember not to be greedy for small profits, because this kind of products test the overall compatibility, and inferior products are prone to failure or glass breakage, after all, it is a product that has been used for decades. It is recommended to choose high-quality products. Today how much is the price of the extremely narrow door? I will give you a popular science here. I hope it will be useful to you!