Price List of Ordinary Aluminum Alloy Doors and Windows (Latest)

[Introduction]: the prices of aluminum alloy doors and windows of each manufacturer are different. Today, I will talk about the prices of aluminum alloy doors and windows.

At present, aluminum alloy occupies a high share of the door and window market, especially the upgraded product bridge-cutoff aluminum alloy profiles are favored by many users, but the industry is developing rapidly and there will be troubles at the same time, the most problem is the extension of price. Many people ask "price list of ordinary aluminum alloy doors and windows", but every manufacturer will not put the real price of its own products on the network platform, below xiao Bian will talk about the price of aluminum alloy doors and windows.

Popular Science on price of aluminum alloy doors and windows:

how much is the price of aluminum alloy doors and windows? We need to compare the price according to aluminum materials, glass, hardware and technology. For example, 109 series broken bridges have a wall thickness of aluminium windows and a better raw material is 800-1300 square meters, if the price of a high-end product still reaches 1500-2000 square meters, the brand is mainly based on product series and services. For example, aluminum alloy doors and windows in small workshops are mainly based on small volume, so the price will be lower.

Many consumers often buy aluminum alloy doors and windows products because they are greedy for small and cheap products and choose inferior aluminum alloy materials. It is common that the doors and windows are deformed, shaken, and cannot be pushed and pulled, especially sliding door products, therefore, we should pay attention to the wall thickness when choosing sliding door instead of the specification thickness. Some merchants are out of stock for small profits and bully consumers to be unfamiliar with product knowledge, directly recommend products with too thin wall thickness make consumers feel that the product is cost-effective. In fact, the specifications of the door leaf do not indicate that the product is good. Most of the price of the product is linked to the wall thickness, in particular, the balcony tests the wind pressure resistance and sealing performance of sliding door, so we should pay special attention to it. It is recommended that there should be at least 1.6mm wall thickness, and it is better to choose a real thickness of 2.0mm wall thickness in areas with high floors and harsh environment.

The above is a small Editor for ordinary aluminum alloy doors and windows according to the price list, some people will ask whether the indoor wall thickness of I am can be thinner? In fact, this is OK. In the case of limited budget, if sliding door or vertical hinged door is indoors, you can choose 1.1mm or 1.2mm wall thickness. For example, Kangying doors and windows sliding door have sliding door wall thickness ranging from 1.1-4.0mm, meet the needs of different customers.