Broken Bridge Aluminum Doors and Windows How Much Is the Price

[Introduction]: the price of broken bridge aluminum doors and windows has attracted much attention in recent years. Many people ask how to calculate the price of broken bridge aluminum doors and windows. The following editor will give you a brief introduction to science.

On Broken Bridge aluminum, the market share of home decoration doors and windows is increasing. Consumers are fond of its performance, but most people pay attention to its price, broken Bridge aluminum doors and windows are excellent in both raw materials and workmanship as upgrading products of aluminum alloy doors and windows, so the price will be slightly higher. The following editor will give you a brief introduction to science popularization:

broken bridge aluminum doors and windows calculation formula: fixed fan area× fixed fan unit price + open fan unit price = total price of doors and windows. For example, Mr. Lin's doors and windows have 10 ㎡. , want to make Kangying doors and windows109 series broken Bridge aluminum window, two open, using imported hardware and5 + 20A +5 hollow glass the total price is= 10 square meters * 1200 yuan+2 Open fans * 1400 yuan= 13400 yuan (including gold steel voile and hardware costs).

Broken Bridge aluminum doors and windows why is the manufacturer's quotation different?

Many people ask why the price of broken bridge aluminum doors and windows is different from that of each manufacturer. In fact, we need to compare the aluminum, glass, hardware and technology of the product. The high-quality Broken Bridge aluminum doors and windows products product, aluminum4 in case of tons, ordinary broken bridge aluminum products are used1.9-2.5 a ton of materials, so there is a lot of difference. As for glass, there is also a difference of tens of yuan-hundreds of yuan per square meter. There is also a difference between 100-200 sets of high-quality hardware, however, the process requires precise instruments to make broken bridge aluminum doors and windows products with high quality and small error.

Kangying doors and windows remind everyone: when buying products, don't be greedy for small profits and be fooled into the price trap by swarthy merchants. Usually, customers are attracted at low prices first, and then there are additional items in the contract. Items and so on, after installation, it was discovered that the product performance could not achieve the desired effect. In the end, it did not save a lot of money on average. The shopping experience did not improve, and serious security risks still existed, therefore, if you choose broken bridge aluminum doors and windows products, remember to understand more. I believe you will choose the right products.