Broken Bridge Aluminum Doors and Windows 70 80 90 Series Difference (Popular Science)

[Introduction]: broken Bridge aluminum has a higher and higher share in the home decoration market. Many consumers will learn about relevant knowledge, such as topics related to the differences between 70 series, 80 series and 90 series of broken bridge aluminum, xiao Bian, let's talk about popular science!

Broken Bridge aluminum has a higher and higher share in the home decoration market. Many consumers will learn about relevant knowledge, such as topics related to the differences between 70 series, 80 series and 90 series of broken bridge aluminum, xiao Bian, let's talk about popular science!

Whether it is70, 80, 90 series these numbers represent the width of the frame, previously on the market popular55, 60 series Broken Bridge aluminum, now the more popular models are generally 70, 80, 90, 110, 126 series, etc., take 70 series, 70 represents the outer frame occupation is 7CM, so we can distinguish their differences in width.

Which is better for 70, 80 and 90 series?

In purchase broken bridge aluminum doors and windows when brand, we can choose the model according to actual needs. If the floor height is smaller, the floor height is larger. Of course, if the weather is bad, it is recommended to choose products with thicker profiles, and the stability will be better.

The higher the broken bridge aluminum model, the better?

First of all, whether the broken bridge aluminum window is good or not should be judged from the wall thickness and performance. For example, 70 series Broken Bridge aluminum windows have a wall thickness of 1.6 and 80 series have a wall thickness of 1.4. In this way, the price of the former is 100-200 yuan per square meter higher than that of the latter,

in a word, we are optimistic about the contract when buying broken bridge aluminum doors and windows. We should choose regular door and window manufacturers, and choose suitable aluminum brand models, hardware, car window shade, glass, insulation strips, etc. to ensure the quality and after-sales of products.