Broken Bridge Aluminum Doors and Windows Is High Cost Performance Equal to Low Price? -Encyclopedia of Doors and Windows-Kangying Doors and Windows

[Introduction]: home doors and windows are indispensable products in life. Good products not only give us comfortable experience in performance, but also bring poor experience to inferior doors and windows, if you are not careful, there may be potential safety hazards. Many people always think that high cost performance means low price. In fact, this is wrong. Cost performance means that when the product is of the same grade, the price is slightly lower.

Home doors and windows are indispensable products in life. Good products not only give us comfortable experience in performance, but also bring poor experience to inferior doors and windows, if you are not careful, there may be potential safety hazards. Many people always think that high cost performance means low price. In fact, this is wrong. Cost performance means that when the product is of the same grade, the price is slightly lower.

More and more people install broken bridge aluminum doors and windows, but the more brands broken bridge aluminum doors and windows, the more chaotic the market is. Whether it is a brand or a model, most people are relatively related to the price.

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Broken Bridge aluminum cost performance

the unit price of the first-line brand manufacturer broken bridge aluminum 80 series is 600 yuan per square meter, while the price of the miscellaneous brand 80 series is 650 yuan per square meter, with a difference of 50 yuan per square meter. We should measure it from the material product itself, first-line broken bridge aluminum doors and windows manufacturers product wall thickness is 1.6mm, six seals, while some are wall thickness 1.4mm, three seals, the former is 50 yuan higher than the latter per square meter, but it is better sealed with better materials, so the former series is more cost-effective and cost-effective.


Therefore, the low price is not equal to the high cost performance. Although The Broken Bridge aluminum doors and windows price of miscellaneous brands is much cheaper, the quality cannot be guaranteed, and the after-sales maintenance in the later period is almost impossible to find people, however, because the price is cheap, many owners are still customizing it. However, according to Kangying, this is a short-term view of doors and windows. I did not expect that the doors and windows will be used for a long time in family life, we should look at it in the long run.