How Much Is the Profit of Being a Door and Window Agent?

In the past, the profit of making doors and windows generally reached 60% to 70%, but now the profit should only be about 20%. Now, if there is a good channel distributor, there will still be millions in a year. Because doors and windows are customized industry, as long as there are good customer channel resources, the middle profit is very high.

Now the door and window industry is also a part of the real estate industry. As the development of the real estate industry is affected by a certain afternoon, now the door and window industry, like other real estate industries, has reduced the number of domestic orders and plus-sized competition among brands, I dare not be as high as before in the quotation, so the business is not as good as before. There is not so much profit. Fortunately, the door and window industry is a customized industry, with no inventory pressure or product backlog. As long as there are channel orders, the door and window industry can still do it.