Four Skills of Communication and Customer Evaluation in Doors and Windows Exhibition

There is a principle in the exhibition: the more contact you have with professional customers, the more business opportunities you have!

As the booth staff of the company, first of all, we must know very clearly: Who is our customer? What are the main markets and customer types of the company? What are the elements that these customers should have? Where are their points of interest? What do they focus on most?

Secondly, conduct professional evaluation and reception, including: Is he our client? He is very urgent, but is it important to our company? How long should I receive him? Should he understand that I understand his actual needs and be able to provide him with solutions, or should he withdraw from the conversation immediately?

In fact, many customers who come to your booth are not your customers. Some people who show "strong interest" at the exhibition site do not necessarily intend to do business with your company, but may just take a look. Moreover, there is no specificity. Such "customers" occupy a certain amount in today's exhibitions. If they receive them equally, potential customers will be ignored instead and precious time will be delayed.

Therefore, when receiving customers on site, we must master business skills, gently understand each other's intentions and current requirements, and conduct screening on the basis of careful analysis of customers.

At the same time, we should also pay attention not to take orders too much. Because the number of new orders that can be negotiated at the exhibition site is always very limited, and many buyers regard orders as formal invoices and have no concept of contract. Therefore, most buyers and sellers need to take advantage of this opportunity to build mutual trust and lay the foundation for future cooperation.

Understanding the customer's background information during communication is helpful to evaluate and screen customers.

1. Procurement background

Does the customer have purchasing rights? How does the customer position and purchasing role affect the key elements of purchasing? What is the budget and purchasing volume of the first purchase or supplementary purchase? At which stage does the customer match us?, consistency to understand the customer's purchasing purpose, whether to use it yourself or to purchase customers for upstream and downstream customers. What is the atmosphere of our talks? Did the customer mention their peers?

2. Distinguish purchasing decision makers and influencers
An important purpose of our exhibition is to directly communicate with buyers face to face through the exhibition. However, even for professional exhibitions, the range of clients who come to participate in the exhibition is quite wide. Sometimes, some buyers have no right to sign contracts or determine the price and order quantity at the exhibition.
However, this does not mean that they are not interested in your products, but this person may not be a decision maker. However, it may be the influencer of decision-making, so it is particularly important for suppliers to ask questions to visiting buyers.
For example, who are you? What position is it? Is it the President, the designer, the purchasing personnel, the production department personnel or the intelligence personnel responsible for collecting market information? After knowing the position of the other party, the supplier should adjust the introduction focus of the product company to meet the needs of buyers in this position.
If you come to a company's purchasing manager, the supplier also needs to invite senior personnel to receive the customer, because he has the right to decide whether to purchase or not, which is the decision maker.
For technicians, what he wants to know most is the research and development progress and price of the latest products; For procurement personnel, finding product suppliers is their biggest purpose; For intelligence personnel, the purpose is to collect the latest research and development plan, product performance and other information, and make comparative analysis on it to help enterprises carry out production research and development.
Due to the different focus of different customers, appropriate personnel should be sent to communicate with different customers for consultation, and personalized sales briefing should be made for buyers in different positions, which will better solve the the issues raised by customers, improve their satisfaction.
At the same time, enterprises must make adequate preparations in advance, such as product materials, product quotations, business cards of communicators, technicians, etc. This is the best reception plan for different buyers. Therefore, clearly distinguish purchasing decision makers and influencers will provide an effective way for you to sign contracts during or after exhibitions.

Influencer-the main beneficiary of purchasing, which can influence purchasing decisions. 83 percent of the audience have the ability to influence their company's purchasing decisions or recommend from the purchasing department. Therefore, special attention should be paid to these influencers.
Decision makers-procurement decision makers have the right to decide whether to purchase or not, and the position is relatively high.
Buyers-purchasing agents, focusing on operation and payment methods.
Technical personnel-check technology and pay attention to product characteristics and efficacy.
Designers-pay attention to design, appearance and packaging.
End users-users, pay attention to convenient operation.
Gatekeeper-Secretary, administration, assistant.
Decision-making team-the team that determines a project, focusing on the overall return on investment and strategic things. Many of them are looking for strategic partners, not for 1-2 cabinets.
Consultant-a consultant who provides products and services to industry customers. Invite these people to visit your factory.
3. Pay attention to the expression in communication
When communicating with potential customers in the exhibition, they can also judge and evaluate the customers' understanding of our products and services from their oral expressions, there is a need or an urgent need to determine the priority level and time we spend on receiving customers.
Paying attention to the following expressions of potential customers will effectively improve your communication quality:
Wish -- just have the idea and desire to understand, and will not act immediately.
Interest -- interested, neutral, it doesn't matter whether you want or not, the desire is not strong, but better than Wish.
Want -- Want, currently planning to purchase.
Need -- there is a demand, and currently there is a lack or demand for such products and services.
Desire -- urgently need your products and services.

4. Pay attention to the matching degree with customers

Who are our customers? It is a big customer or a small customer, an urgent customer or an important customer.
Our sales target is not everyone, and the visitors entering our booth are not all our customers or customers matching us. Some are indeed good customers, with industry popularity, high market consistency, large procurement volume, product standards, game rules, profit in orders, reliable payment terms, etc.
At this time, the first thing we need to consider is the matching degree with the customer, our scale, the ability to produce products, whether the products are certified, whether the quality is stable, and how to control the cost, whether the delivery date can be guaranteed and how can the export team communicate. Many of our exhibitors ignored this link and unilaterally pursued big customers. As a result, the bamboo basket was often empty.