Are Canode Doors and Windows a First-Line Brand

Are canode doors and windows a first-line brand? The first problem is to understand the standards of first-line brands. In fact, there is no standard. No authority in the industry evaluates which brands are first-line brands, but some brands publicize themselves, or the media said which brand is the first-line brand. Since there is such a saying, it must depend on which brand is well-known in the industry, what is its effect on society and how the brand scale is determined.

The founder of canode doors and windows began to open doors and windows shops in Shanghai in 1995, and then opened canode doors and windows in Foshan, Guangdong province in 2012. From the time of establishment, it is a relatively historical brand. But compared with the top 50 in the industry, there is still a certain gap, so it can only be regarded as a second-tier brand. However, the purchase of doors and windows does not necessarily depend on the brands. As long as the products and prices are reasonable, they are worth buying.