Is Window Leakage a Property Problem Or Repair It Yourself?

Is window leakage a property problem or repair it yourself? Check how the water leaks. If the external wall leaks into the house, this is property management, you can call the property company to ask someone to repair it. If the window glass installed at home or the window side leaks, this should be a personal family problem.

If the whole building is leaking, it depends on the period of use of the house. If it is still the development period of the developer, it should be managed by the developer.

Legal analysis: property can be found. The property has the responsibility to help check the cause of leakage. If there are loopholes in the design of House leakage, developers should be found to solve it. If it is a housing quality problem, the construction unit will solve it. If neither the developer nor the construction unit can find it, and if you have paid the housing property maintenance fund to the property, you can find the property company to solve it. The property company should be fully responsible for the maintenance, maintenance and help solve the problem of water leakage, and do a good job of waterproofing.

Legal basis: Civil Code of the People's Republic of China

Article 290 water use and drainage adjacent relationship real estate owners shall provide necessary convenience for neighboring owners to use water and drainage. The utilization of natural flowing water should be reasonably distributed among the neighboring owners of real estate. The discharge of natural flowing water should respect the natural flow.

Article 211 if the right holder of the real estate in the relationship of passing neighbors must make use of its land due to passing, the right holder of the real estate shall provide necessary convenience.