Which Is Expensive, Weiye Or Fengaluminum?

In terms of brand awareness, fengaluminum is more famous. The reason is that fengaluminum mainly develops home improvement channels. There are many agents of fengaluminum in the market. From the perspective of channel publicity, fengaluminum has many distributors, thus the brand is more famous in the market.

From the brand price, fengaluminum is higher, because fengaluminum has higher investment in advertising. We can see the advertisement of Phoenix aluminum everywhere.

Judging from the number of true and false brands, there are fewer fakes in Weiye. Due to the large number of agents in fengaluminum, many of them are fakes in the terminal market, and the sealing performance is not as good as that of Weiye aluminum in all aspects. Asian Aluminum is also OK, and its performance is comparable to that of Weiye aluminum. However, they are all well-known domestic brands.

But if you can buy genuine goods Phoenix aluminum, the quality of Phoenix aluminum is better. Although the price may be higher, the comprehensive Phoenix aluminum is better.