Rumors of Minfa Aluminum Restructuring

Financial website, April 16, 2018 news affected by the news of restructuring failure, Minfa aluminum resumed trading today, with a single limit of 33 million shares on the limit board.

On March 16, 2018, Minfa aluminum announced that the company actually controlled Huang tianhuo and signed a framework agreement on equity acquisition with aerospace science and technology venture capital Co., Ltd. The latter intends to pass its own or its affiliates, purchase 0.131 billion outstanding shares of listed companies held by Huang tianhuo and his concerted action personnel, and the consideration price is determined by more than 10% discount (including) of the company's closing price one day before the suspension. At the same time, the company plans to purchase 100% equity of Beijing aerospace Measurement and Control Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "aerospace measurement and control"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Aerospace System Engineering Corporation, by issuing shares to purchase assets, the transaction price is tentatively set to 1.2 billion yuan, and the company's shares will be suspended from now on.

However, in less than a month, Minfa aluminum announced on the evening of April 13, 2018 that since both parties could not reach an agreement on the important terms of this transaction, they decided to terminate the planning of this major asset restructuring, and promised not to plan any major asset restructuring within one month from the date of announcement and disclosure, and the company's stock will resume trading on April 16.

It is not the first time that Minfa aluminum industry has abandoned restructuring.

In October 2016, Minfa aluminum company suspended trading due to planning major issues, and then confirmed that the matter was to purchase Shanghai Qinghe Internet Technology Software Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shanghai Qinghe") by issuing shares and paying cash. 100% equity, and issue shares to raise part of the matching funds for payment of transaction cash consideration and intermediary fees, constitute a major asset restructuring.

On April 12, 2017, the company announced that due to the application of Shanghai Qinghe, the target company, to renew the new certificate of "value-added telecom business license", it had not been approved by relevant departments, but the reorganization was finally blown.

Minfa aluminum company recently announced the financial statements for the first half of 2019 as follows:

On July 12, 2019, Fujian Minfa Aluminum Co., Ltd. issued an announcement on the semi-annual performance forecast for 2019. It is expected to increase by 40% ~ 60% over the same period of last year, and the profit is 15.6148 million ~ 17.8454 million yuan.

Up to now, it seems impossible to reorganize Minfa aluminum industry. On the one hand, it is to improve its popularity, and on the other hand, it is to fool investors.