Is Broken Bridge Aluminum 55 Enough for Household Use

Is Broken Bridge aluminum 55 enough for household use? The problem. This mainly depends on the places used. For example, if you use it on a closed balcony, it will definitely not work. Sealing the balcony should be at least 70 series, because it needs wind resistance, pressure resistance, etc. If it is too small, it will definitely not last long for aluminum. It is better to spend more money on larger series.

We all know that 55 series is the smallest broken bridge aluminum model, which means that the thickness is 55mm. If it is at home, it can only be used in indoor places. There is an interval between the kitchen and the living room in common use places, you cannot have too high requirements on bearing weight. Secondly, it is suitable to use it on small windows, such as bathroom windows and sliding bathroom intervals, and 55 series cannot be used outdoors. Series 55 is the worst for sound insulation, heat insulation and weight resistance. Of course, the price is also the lowest.

From the above analysis, we can know that it is important to look at the position you are using. Where the requirements are not high, it can be used.