Xiaomi Door and Window Sensor Timing Alarm

When setting the timing of Xiaomi door and window sensors, be sure to pay attention to the alarm function of the multi-function gateway. The alarm function of the multi-function gateway means that if the alarm is turned on, the Gateway will alarm as long as any sensor under the multi-function gateway senses it. Therefore, no matter whether you set intelligence or not, as long as the doors and windows are opened, the alarm will be reported. Of course, his alarm also supports the user to set MIJIA intelligence to achieve alarm when the alert is turned off. Remember, if you want to use intelligence to implement custom alarms, remember to turn off the alarms first. When setting automation, because the timing opening of the Gateway itself has the same effect as the automation you set yourself, it conflicts. You can delete the automation by opening the doors and windows, remember to hook the alarm trigger device inside the gateway to sense the doors and windows open. One thing should be noted that when timing alert occurs, it is OK to trigger gate magnetic selection instead of automation.

Ordinary people will ask how to set door and window sensors to open the door alarm?

When you see this situation, check whether the door and window sensors are selected in the alarm trigger device inside the gateway.


设置图示2设置图示3Gateway-smart-alert-alarm trigger device.

Set smart, door and window sensor open-Gateway alarm. Then set the start time range, but this move to the smart setting time range, 6:30 is not OK, only 6 or 7 o'clock.