County Broken Bridge Aluminum Door and Window Factory

At present, there is basically no franchise fee for making aluminum alloy doors and windows, and a deposit is required at most. The role of the deposit is to regulate that you can only operate in this region. At the same time, due to the development situation of different regions, different geographical locations are different, the funds invested by opening a store are also different. If you open broken bridge aluminum doors and windows stores in the north, it may be relatively more, but the cost of county-level cities is lower than that of other cities, moreover, the competition in county-level cities is relatively small, and the demand for doors and windows is also very large, so it is still very cost-effective to invest in opening a store in the county!

There are two ways to invest broken bridge aluminum doors and windows in the county:

1. Joining form. This form only needs one store, but to open the fulcrum is to join the security deposit, doors and windows, installation workers and other fees. When ordinary pass has business, it is measured on-site. After measurement, it is sent back to the franchise manufacturer for processing. After processing, it is installed on-site and opened a store, just to be an intermediate distribution service provider. Earn the difference. This way is more suitable for the popular way in the market now. Investment is relatively small, but the price is not much.

2. Own processing form. In this way, we should understand the technology. In the early stage, we should invest in processing aluminum doors and windows, and also introduce basic door and window processing machinery. At the same time, please also ask workers who will process doors and windows. The investment in the early stage is relatively large, but due to their own processing, they earn more.

For the two methods, they also choose different places. For now, choosing the first method is more cost-effective. Save time and effort, while the style keeps pace with the times.