Broken Bridge Aluminum Doors and Windows Heat Insulation Strip Glue Injection

The nature of the use of heat insulation strip determines that it must have both high strength and low conduction performance, otherwise it will either cause major quality hidden danger to the heat insulation aluminum alloy doors and windows (insufficient strength will cause the heat insulation aluminum profile to break from the connection of the heat insulation strip), or lose the meaning of heat insulation (if the conduction rate is high, the heat insulation effect cannot be guaranteed), so the material selection and manufacturing process of heat insulation strip are very critical. At present, the heat insulation strips referred to are divided into three types, which are made of PVC, PA and PU. The first two are the extrusion process, and the latter is the glue injection process. The state stipulates that aluminum alloy broken bridge windows made of PA66 as raw materials should be used, otherwise the service life of broken bridge windows will be greatly shortened. The other two kinds of heat insulation strips are not as good as those made of PA as raw materials, regardless of their service life or the quality of finished products.

However, in order to reduce costs on the market, many bad merchants will use PVC plastic insulation strips with relatively low prices, so they must learn to identify the difference between PA and the other two when choosing. It can be roughly distinguished by the following two points:

1. Look at the gloss. The surface of PA66 insulation strip is a kind of matte treatment, and the color is black; On the contrary, PVC insulation strip looks very smooth and bright in color.

2. Look at the burning degree. The insulation strip of PA66 is non-combustible, but after burning PVC strip for a while, you will see a small flame lit by the bear, and you will smell a smell of plastic along with it.

At present, there are two kinds of insulation strips used in Broken Bridge aluminum doors and windows of the market, one is PA66 insulation strips, and the other is PVC insulation strips.

1. PA66 heat insulation strip: PA66 has small expansion coefficient, good aging quality resistance, high melting point, well-deserved heat resistance and self-extinguishing property.

2. PVC insulation strip: the main raw material is PVC resin sand plus 25% calcium carbonate.

Broken Bridge aluminum profiles of national standard brands basically use PA66 nylon strips, only some small workshops and miscellaneous brands broken bridge aluminum use PVC insulation strips jiduo.

How to identify PA66 insulation strip and PVC strip

1. Look at the gloss; The surface of the Broken Bridge aluminum heat insulation strip of the PA66GF25 window is a matte texture, and the color is anti-black; But the PVC heat insulation strip looks smooth, smooth, and the color is anti-white. The comparison between the two can be clearly distinguished.

2. Another point is that PA66 insulation strip is combustible, and it will continue to burn after leaving the fire source, while PVC insulation strip will burn after ignition for a while, and will go out after leaving the fire source.

3. PA66 insulation strip will break once or twice, while PVC insulation strip will break only after being folded more than ten times.

4. The sound of PA66 insulation strip is crisp when it is broken. After it is broken, the fracture surface is neat and not deformed, and it can be butted and restored. After the PVC insulation strip is broken, the fracture is white and deformed.

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