Xinhe Aluminum Distinguish between True and False

Accurate true and false identification method is to do chemical composition detection. But when we have no conditions, we can only use "observation" to distinguish. What is "observation" is that we look at the surface of aluminum profiles from different angles. Aluminum doors and windows profiles is extruded from a profile mold with aluminum rod, like a fake Phoenix aluminum profile with aluminum waste as raw materials, so the material contains a large amount of impurities, which can be easily removed during extrusion to pull the mold wool, the surface of the produced profile is not smooth and there are many marks. Moreover, the profile produced with aluminum waste cannot reach the standard in various physical effects such as strength and hardness.
The surface treatment of counterfeit profiles is mostly powder spraying (common colors include: green, white and gray). This treatment method is concise and to the point, that is, to cover the extruded profiles with powder, this treatment method has a huge advantage on the waste fake Phoenix aluminum profile, which can effectively cover up the marks on the extruded profile. However, because the counterfeiters save more costs, they use coarse powder, which has a short attachment period, and the exploration objects fall off. Moreover, the powder covered on the profile is small and thin, in addition, the extruded profile marks are too deep. Even with the cover of this layer of powder, it is easy to see these ugly marks as long as you observe them from different angles and profile positions.

You can distinguish some from the above. If there is no way to distinguish, you can start with the following:

① check the anti-counterfeiting label;

② check the parameters of specific products on the brand official website and judge them according to the parameters;

③ consult the official microblog;

④ call the sales service hotline for consultation

Some methods are as follows:

Ordinary packaging on aluminum surface has a packaging logo "Xinhe" packaging logo. As shown in the following figure:


Each product has a quality certificate, as shown in the following figure. You can check the corresponding online query according to the certificate.
