Which Is Better, Gordon Aluminum Or Phoenix Aluminum

In terms of brand awareness alone, fengaluminum brand is more popular. Fengaluminum has a relatively large market share because of many distributors, namely Channel providers, and countless efforts under advertising promotion, brand influence is also relatively wide. However, due to the relatively large brand influence and the large number of channel providers, fengaluminum has my fake products in the terminal market. Countless consumers have different models of various series of aluminum materials, which are easy to be cheated on the purchase. However, in terms of the quality of genuine goods, fengaluminum is of good quality, and now it is developing and producing industrial aluminum materials, such as high-speed rail and other places. Gao Deng aluminum may not be as famous as Feng aluminum, but in special applications, Gao Deng aluminum has its own differences, especially in terms of the thickness of aluminum, gaodeng aluminum is thicker than Phoenix aluminum series. At present, gaodeng aluminum is added with specific gold elements, such as magnesium, which is very appropriate in places with higher requirements of anticorrosion and higher weldability. Therefore, the quality of gaodeng aluminum is generally good. My friends around me have used gaodeng aluminum, and their quality is relatively high. Gaodeng aluminum cannot be heat treated. Alloy medium tenacity is good, corrosion resistance, good machinability. The surface enters the eye after anodizing treatment. Arc welding has good performance. The life-and-death alloy element in 5A06 alloy is magnesium, which has good anticorrosion, weldability and medium strength.

Based on the above, we know that the quality of the two brands is very good, but it depends on the place where they are used, plus the hardware usage and processing strength of the finished product processing plant, in order to comprehensively select which aluminum material is suitable for use.