Xinhaoxuan Doors and Windows Price

The official website of xinhaoxuan doors and windows only has product series, and no price is directly quoted. This is also normal, because most enterprise brands are like this, one is to protect the industry, the other is to protect agents in different places. However, if consumers want to know the price of xinhaoxuan doors and windows online, it can only be roughly roughly, and the price is just a reference. The specific transaction price is still in the local distribution store, because it is impossible for the manufacturer to quote a price. Secondly, the price quoted by the manufacturer must be higher than that of the local agent, because he was trying to protect the dealer. Therefore, it is not advisable to get the quotation directly from the manufacturer, and it is even more unreasonable to get the price online. Another is that ordinary doors and windows are more customized, and the price is different when the materials used are different. That is to say, doors and windows are highly customized products, and their materials, process complexity, product positioning level, quality, service level, safety level, market factors, etc. will all affect the price, however, the final use value cannot be directly equated with the price. The specific situation should be based on the actual price level of the brand, which can be understood online.

At present, there are some brand doors and windows enterprises in the market. The Common quotation is no less than 650 yuan per square meter. Plus Xinhao Xuan as a first-line brand, if compared with the doors and windows of the second and third tier, it is a bit high, but compared with other first-line brands, their cost performance is the highest. You get what you pay for now. Doors and windows are not good. It is a trouble to replace them. Therefore, in a comprehensive way, it should be at least 1,200 yuan per square meter. Together with different materials, glass, hardware, processing, installation, etc., the price is even lower.