How Many Square Meters of Xinhaoxuan Window

In order to protect distributors, the manufacturer does not directly mark the official website quotation on the official website. However, as far as Xinhao Xuan is concerned, we have generally learned from its establishment time, product quality and brand promotion positioning that Xinhao Xuan doors and windows are still positioned as high-end doors and windows brand series at present. The promotion in the terminal is also relatively strong. At the same time, it is common that doors and windows are customized products. Different materials and prices are used for customization, plus different factors such as glass and hardware accessories. The prices are even more different, but generally probable price can still be understood. Judging from the current market brand effect of Xinhao Xuan, the plain quotation is at least 1200 yuan per square meter, this does not include glass, hardware, processing and installation. At the same time, we also need to understand the common broken bridge aluminum doors and windows if the price is below 600 yuan, it must not be broken bridge aluminum, or the product quality is not very good. Because the cost of aluminum materials in the industry is basically the same.