How Many Square Meters of New Standard Doors and Windows

Guangzhou Xinbiao home furnishing Co., Ltd. was established in 1999. Xinbiao is a relatively famous brand of doors and windows. The price of a set is basically around 1,000 yuan, which is an online quotation, if the actual store purchase is basically 1200 to 1400, and the number of new standard doors and windows per square meter is almost 700 or 800 yuan. It depends on what you want to do? The price of customized products will involve numerous other fees, so there is no accurate quotation. You can go to the store to see the products first. It is not uncommon to reach 1300 yuan per square meter.

The new standard door and window wardrobe with a better price of 1888 yuan, the 3999 Yuan new standard door and window wardrobe can truly reflect the effect of ecological home, which may be a revolutionary creation and subversive product in the field of inner door, it will have certain cross-era significance. Because it not only makes environmental protection, simplicity, fashion and durability more perfect, but also endows more humanistic factors, which is rare in other kinds of products, it is easy to match with the current overall wardrobe, and the eco-door on the market is gradually beginning to be accepted by consumers. The price source network is for reference only.