Is the New Standard Doors and Windows a First-Line Brand

The new standard doors and windows are very well-known brands, and they also invited the star Gutian lelai to speak for them. Their families mainly produce wardrobe and doors and windows. New standard doors and windows are OK in the first few years, and have been declining in recent years. Products and technology are still in the first few years, compared with other top ten brands, there are still some gaps in R & D innovation, production skills and factory strength, which are slightly behind these door and window brands, in recent years, it is very important to focus on these aspects of whole wood customization, and there are still some deficiencies in doors and windows. Generally speaking, it is a good brand. Currently, it is the top of the second line and close to the first-line brand. New standard doors and windows make wardrobes, cabinets and doors and windows. However, if you open a store, you can compare other brands. It is not clear whether it is a first-line brand, but it is an old brand. It is a good brand. Currently, the second-tier leader is in the front direction. First-line brand close.