What Is China's Ranking of Huajian Aluminum

Huajian aluminum ranks third in China. Of course, this is the comment of online media. I think it should not be the top three. No matter from the perspective of brand influence and brand history, it cannot reach the top three. These may be media propaganda, it is not necessarily reliable.


We know that these aluminum materials are almost the same, but these brands mainly depend on the production batch, whether it is produced by the general factory, and generally, the production of the general factory is better than that of the factory, sometimes the production quality of the branch factory is not as good as that of the general factory, and which production line is used, such as electrophoresis on the surface, is it vertical? The current technology vertical production line is better, the surface treatment is more uniform. Whether the aluminum profile is produced by aluminum waste recycling or pure aluminum ingot is very different. The production of pure aluminum ingot is better than that of recycled aluminum in processing and production. The middle bridge is a key point for the profiles of the Broken Bridge Series. There is a certain numerical difference between the thermal expansion and cold contraction rate of the bridge and the thermal expansion and cold contraction rate of aluminum, the two materials can be put together for more than ten years and two decades or longer without falling off. This is what bridge is used for connection. Only the price gap of the bridge in the middle is very large, the difference is 5000 or 6000 a ton, and the good can reach 20 thousands or 30 thousands a ton. If you go to buy profiles, you must investigate several points. First, where is the factory produced? Second, whether the factory has set up a branch factory. Whether the batch you purchased is produced by the branch factory or the general factory, sometimes the products produced by branch factories will not meet the high quality requirements of enterprises because of management problems. 3. What is the aluminum ingot used? Is the aluminum waste used for recycling. IV. Have you ever won formal awards such as the National Quality Award? (this kind of award really depends on the quality of the product, not on the cost-effective sales volume, but on which kind of higher quality, for example, there is no need to look at the famous brand of Chi Biao trademark or anything else. Now those who are slightly well-known have the title of a well-known trademark, just look at the Quality Award of genuine products.).

Therefore, sometimes we do not only look at the ranking on the Internet, but also need on-the-spot investigation to know the real strength.