Phoenix Aluminum Broken Bridge Aluminum Doors and Windows Authenticity

1 . Look at the spray code , zhenfeng aluminum broken bridge aluminum is spray code, which is sprayed by the profile manufacturer , therefore, it cannot be wiped off with something hard or a warm towel. This is one of the methods. It is not the only one.

2 . The heat insulation strip of zhenfengaluminum broken bridge aluminum is printed with the words "fengaluminum aluminum PA66" , and there is the word "Phoenix aluminum" on the aluminum , bearing dot type.

3 . Middle insulation Bridge heel film , fengaluminum broken bridge aluminum insulation bridge is made of nylon , looks rough , and Phoenix aluminum film , thick film and white inside , the fake Phoenix aluminum broken bridge aluminum is PVC insulation strip , flat , shiny , the film is thin and the inside is black , broken Bridge aluminum is called thermal insulation broken bridge aluminum because of this thermal insulation Bridge. , therefore, the quality of this thermal insulation bridge directly affects the service life of broken bridge aluminum.

4 . Aluminum profile batch materials are white , the batch materials of other materials are not white , all are aluminum alloy metal color , the manufacturer claims that the black Electrostatic spraying part on the outside of the profile of Phoenix aluminum is White after scraping the Electrostatic spraying layer with hard objects, which is the Phoenix aluminum broken bridge aluminum , this is different from other profiles. , the batch materials of other profiles are colorless (that is, the natural color of aluminum alloy). Phoenix aluminum "original finished products are only white and champagne , other colors are sprayed by the processors themselves.

5 . The thickness of the real window profile is 1 . About 4mm , door profile thickness is 1 . About 6mm.

6 . Counterfeit products are backward due to spraying technology. , so the surface is generally rough , the surface of the real product is glossy and non-corrugated. Counterfeit products due to high aluminum impurities , the extruded Bridge-cutoff aluminum alloy profile generally has many marks.

To sum up, when you customize the Phoenix aluminum before installation , be sure to carefully observe the surface of the profile , whether there are traces. If you can't see the surface , you also have the right to require the processing and installation personnel to make good doors and windows. , unpacked , look at the middle inner wall of the profile , profile on the surface spray Phoenix aluminum plate aluminum , accurate true and false identification method is to do chemical composition detection. But when we have no conditions , we can only use "observation" to distinguish.