Zhi Shang Where Are Doors and Windows Produced

Zhi Shang doors and windows was established in Foshan, Guangdong province in 2005. It is a brand of pailang doors and windows factory in Nanhai district, Foshan City. Address: No. 42 ganbanana industrial zone, West Line Highway, Lishui town, Nanhai district, Foshan city, Guangdong province. We can see from the following figure that Zhi Shang doors and windows are indeed equipped with production plants and headquarters buildings. At the same time, we can see from the company registration name pailang door and window products factory in Nanhai district, Foshan city that Zhi Shang door and window is a brand name, and pailang door and window products factory is a production registration company. It can be seen that Zhi Shang doors and windows are not without factories. It is not like some brand-hanging enterprises, looking for branded enterprises. Zhi Shang doors and windows have their own production lines, which can ensure the quality of products and the update of product technology. Let consumers buy assured doors and windows.
