China (Linqu) Home Doors and Windows Expo | | Changqi Yuanyu Starts from "New"

from:Network date:2023-04-15 reading:1371

9 years, in the long river of history, just a moment; 9 years, in Linqu aluminum industry, the world is new.

9 years ago, on April 18, 2014, the first China (Linqu) International doors and windows curtain wall Expo opened in the newly completed Linqu International doors and windows curtain wall Expo city.

On April 18, 2023, 9 years later, the 14th China (Linqu) home doors and windows Expo will be held in the newly completed Linqu county International Convention and Exhibition Center.

From "one session a year" to "two sessions a year", Linying window Expo has reached the 14th session. The 13 consecutive host sites, window Bo city, and the latest International Convention and Exhibition Center, which is about to take over, have become or will soon become "a boutique exhibition base that will never end in 365 days", for this "aluminum industry capital of China", "Aluminum Industry Base of China" and "The first county of aluminum profile of China (Jiangbei).

In 9 years, the 14th session, the 14th China (Linqu) home doors and windows Expo, Long Yan Yuanyu, started from "new" on April 18!

Where is new? "New" in the exhibition hall

This expo was transferred from the door and window curtain wall Expo City to Linqu International Convention and Exhibition Center. The scale of the exhibition was further expanded, with an area of 52000 square meters gelleries, and the scale of the exhibition area reached a record high.

Linli International Convention and Exhibition Center, with a construction area of 102000 ㎡, has 4 floors in total, one of which is the exhibition hall, and the third and fourth floors are the business negotiation and conference office area. It is divided into four pavilions A1, A2, B1 and B2. The A1 and A2 pavilions on the first floor are used as the perennial pavilions of system doors and windows. Each pavilion has an available area of 14000 ㎡; B1 on the second floor, b2 Pavilion is a comprehensive activity exhibition hall, each exhibition hall has a usable area of 11700 ㎡, which serves as the standard exhibition hall during the Linqu doors and windows exhibition.

Adjacent to the door and window curtain wall Expo city, the shape is as Dapeng spread its wings, lofty and magnificent. The newly built Linqu International Convention and Exhibition Center is committed to building the first trading center in the field of aluminum profiles, doors and windows, information heart, news issuing center, technology research and development center and aluminum home big data center are equal to a comprehensive service platform. The advanced hardware and software supports and first-class exhibition comprehensive supporting services of the new exhibition hall provide sufficient guarantee for exhibition content planning, exhibition hall booth design, conference event services, etc, at the same time, it also provides a better and more comfortable exhibition environment for exhibitors and professional audiences.

Where is new? New in content

There are more than 700 exhibitors in this expo. The number of exhibitors has reached a new high and the display forms are more abundant.

According to the functional division of the exhibition hall, the first floor of the exhibition center displays 124 industry brands all the year round. Each exhibition hall is designed with double layers to create an immersive space experience while displaying more products.

In previous years, the temporary activity exhibition area of the exhibition was Room exhibition. The second floor of the new exhibition hall was used as the activity exhibition area of the exhibition, which made scientific and rational use of the exhibition hall space to meet the different display needs of exhibitors. While arranging the standard exhibition booth of the activity, add special booths for activities. There are 462 standard booths and 133 special booths in the exhibition area of this exhibition.

This Expo closely follows the theme of high-quality development in the industry, and will hold more than 20 multi-theme activities such as opening ceremony, summit forum, centralized mining docking, project signing, brand promotion, and new product release, meet the needs of exhibitors of different types and levels.

There are many exhibitors in this Expo. More than 700 doors and windows and supporting enterprises at home and abroad participated in the exhibition, and more than 1,000 professional system doors and windows and their supporting appliance brands were gathered. The product range is complete, covering more than 10 categories such as system doors and windows, all-aluminum home, etc. The "whole industry chain" product exhibition of home doors and windows industry is complete.

Where is new? New in mode

New innovations have been made in the hosting mode of this Expo.

Open up the online pre-registration channel, through the network, WeChat and other forms of pre-registration, to achieve efficient admission;

Set up a media zone to facilitate media publicity and reporting;

Set up exhibition ferry bus to connect Linqu International Convention and Exhibition Center gelleries and China-EU energy-saving doors and windows Industrial Park exhibition area;

Improve the surrounding accommodation and dining conditions and provide more convenient living reception services.

During the session, the upgrade activities are rich and the interaction is closer. The duration of previous exhibitions lasted for 3 days, and the duration of this exhibition was upgraded to 4 days. While providing more time for exhibitors and audiences to display and view the exhibitions, it also provides favorable conditions for enriching the simultaneous activities of the exhibition.

In addition, online platforms such as China (Linqu) home doors and windows Expo official website, WeChat public account, TikTok and so on are comprehensively applied to effectively activate the participation of the masses through the "offline display online promotion online drainage" mode, improve the exposure of the exhibition.

Where is new? "New" at the level

This exhibition focuses on giving full play to the platform effect, improving the timeliness of cooperation and communication, inviting many industry authoritative associations and institutions to carry out high-end forums, production and demand docking, project signing and other activities, the number and specification of activities in the same period are the highest in all previous years.

This exhibition also held high-level and high-standard forums and special activities such as the summit forum on the development of china's home door and window industry and the opening ceremony of "china's door and window capital" to show the latest achievements of the industry, exchange development ideas, create cooperation opportunities and greatly improve the professionalism and influence of the exhibition.

Linyin window Expo has been successfully held for 13 sessions since 2014, and has become the most famous aluminum profile industry development window and display platform in northern China. In the past 9 years, relying on the broad frontier communication platform of window Expo and the industrial foundation of open gathering, the local government has realized the two-way travel between exhibition and industry, continuously promoting the industrial chain to extend upstream and downstream, strive to accelerate the progress towards the goal of hundreds of billions of industrial clusters. Window Expo has become the "navigator" and "booster" for the development of local aluminum profile industry "!

The standing of excellent buildings cannot be separated from the empowerment of doors and windows; The generation of high-quality doors and windows cannot be separated from the support of the whole industrial chain such as production, sales and exhibition.

Good doors and windows in the world, made in Linxi, China.

With the development of more than 30 years, there are 78 aluminum profile enterprises in Linqu, with an annual production capacity of 1.8 million tons and more than 460 related supporting enterprises. The products cover 11 categories, more than 300 series, more than 5,000 varieties, the annual output value of the cluster is more than 42 billion yuan. Industry leading, technology leading, brand leading. Especially the "wild goose array" cluster of aluminum profile industry led by Huajian aluminum industry group has emerged as an important pole in the national industrial system.

Adhering to the purpose and concept of "doing quality products and winning the future", focusing on exhibition service innovation, management innovation and business model innovation, focusing on the forefront of the market, bringing together domestic and foreign quality manufacturers, distributors, merchants and mass consumers, to create a large-scale industry brand exhibition covering the north and radiating the whole country in the field of home doors and windows, and the national consensus of "selecting doors and windows, and going to the window Expo, gather millions of professional merchants and audience traffic, Lindi window Expo, striving for the road of" the most influential exhibition in China's home door and window industry ", and go wider and wider!