Yu Yuanmu, Former Deputy Director of Chongqing Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee, Visited Georgcount Wooden Doors for Investigation

from:Network date:2022-09-09 reading:3178

On September 7, 2022, Yu Yuanmu, former deputy director of the Standing Committee of Chongqing Municipal People's Congress and deputy secretary of the party group, and his party visited Yongchuan Gangqiao Industrial Park to inspect the work of our company. Xiao-Wu Chen, secretary of Yongchuan Gangqiao Industrial Park, and other principal responsible persons, yu Bin, deputy general manager of Earl Group's Gangqiao production base, received the reception warmly and accompanied Yu Yuanmu, deputy director of the whole process to visit and investigate.

Accompanied by General Yu, Yu Yuanmu and his party visited the production workshop, Assembly exhibition hall, product research and development design center, office space and other areas of Earl Group's Port Bridge production base one after another. Mr. Yu made a brief report on the entrepreneurial growth process, product field, production system, research and development system, planning, development and deployment of Earl group to Yu Yuanmu and others.

In 2022, the competition in the home furnishing industry was very fierce, and it has changed from a single category to the competition of the whole house customization of full set furniture. The transformation and upgrading of the wooden door industry has become the general trend of the times, and it is also the realistic need for high-quality economic and social development. In 2022, Earl group launched a variety of new products such as water-based paint and T-shaped door, and rebuilt the customization of full set furniture cabinet door integration system door wall, the transformation and upgrading of "from a single wooden door to a wall cabinet door" has been realized. Through a series of forward-looking strategic layout and continuous changes, core competitiveness such as products, channels and brands have been strengthened. At the same time, around product transformation, Earl group continues to promote branding, digitization and supply chain reform, continuously increase market share, deepen and win the market with its ability.

Yu Yuanmu highly affirmed Earl Group's spirit of keeping improving, pursuing excellence and adhering to the development concept of quality and brand. It is hoped that we must be flexible in thinking, aim at market opportunities, dare to think and dare to do, and at the same time make full use of the resource advantages of integrated development to continuously improve the market-oriented operation ability of enterprises.

In 2022, Earl Group has always insisted on being a breakout in the industry. Under the leadership of Chairman Hu Hai, under the leadership of Chairman Hu Hai, it stepped steadily on the road of innovation and creation, and continuously improved customization of full set furniture high-end products, with better enterprise spirit and better enterprise strength, we will contribute to Chongqing's home furnishing industry and Chongqing's economic construction!