[Company News] Huaxing Aluminum Company Held Mid-Year Working Meeting and Party Building Promotion Meeting

from:Network date:2023-08-05 reading:4547

On the morning of August 3, Shanxi Huaxing and Shanxi Zhongrun held a mid-year work meeting and party building promotion meeting in 2023, conveying the spirit of the mid-year work meeting in aluminum group and chinal in 2023, and comprehensively summarizing the work in the first half of the year, arrange and deploy the work in the second half of the year. More than 150 middle-level cadres and staff representatives from various departments attended the meeting, including yuan Guodong, Li Zhiqiang, Liang Dawei, Wu Donghong, Yan Jianwei, Wu Hongying, Liu Huijie, Liu Feng, Guo Qiang and all the leaders above the company's assistant. Company leader Xu Jibin presided over the meeting.

The leaders of the company, Yuan Guodong and Li Zhiqiang, respectively made work reports on behalf of the management team of the two companies; The conference addressed advanced grassroots Party organizations, outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding Party workers and excellent projects of "two belts and two creations" were commended; yuan Guodong made a party building work report entitled "strengthening Party building leading continuous pressure and striving to provide strong guarantee for creating a new situation of high-quality development in Lvliang base.

Shanxi Huaxing's work summary in the first half of the year

Work deployment in the second half of the year

Summary of work in the first half of the year

Yuan Guodong comprehensively summarized the work of the company in the first half of 2023. In the first half of the year, facing multiple difficult challenges such as the continuous fluctuation and decline of alumina prices, the phased shortage of self-mining supply, frequent equipment failures and weak on-site management, Shanxi Huaxing, under the strong leadership of the Joint Stock Party Committee, focusing on the task objectives of the whole year, focusing on key points and difficulties, some key performance indicators have achieved "double half" and achieved hard-won results. First, we will try our best to reduce costs and increase efficiency, and the operating effect will be improved month by month. The second is to promote the resumption of production in mines and obtain initial results for resources. The third is to tap the market potential and create obvious effects in marketing and purchasing. The fourth is to promote lean management and stable optimization of production equipment. The fifth is to strengthen professional management and ensure solid and strong support. Sixth, the deep integration of Party building leads high-quality development.

Work deployment in the second half of the year

Yuan Guodong analyzed the current opportunities, situations and challenges faced by the company and made arrangements for the key work in the second half of the year. He pointed out that all employees should strengthen their confidence, stand on their posts and operate carefully. Cadres at all levels should do their best to do all kinds of work in the second half of the year with a sense of responsibility that they can't rest assured at all times and with stronger responsibilities and greater actions, ensure the successful completion of annual production and operation tasks.

01 advanced and strong management of benchmarking, improving cost reduction and efficiency improvement creativity

Each department should closely follow the two accounts of financial budget and production technical indicators, and strive for full strength through resource acquisition, material procurement, equipment maintenance inspection, index optimization and policies, improve the ability of independent operation and problem solving, achieve ultimate excellence, and promote the continuous improvement of business performance. One is to implement stable production and cost reduction. The second is to implement ore cost reduction. The third is to implement procurement cost reduction and marketing efficiency. The fourth is to implement management cost reduction.

02 grasp opportunities and strengthen the foundation, enhance value and create competitiveness

Actively implement the work requirements of chairman duan's "four special strong", continuously promote high-level talks between the group and the provincial government, actively report and communicate to governments at all levels, strengthen information collection, and deeply study policies, fully control and acquire high-quality resources, and consolidate the foundation of value creation of Lvliang base. In the important strategic opportunity period when scientific and technological innovation drives the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, explore new paths of high-quality development. The first is to fully obtain high-quality resources. The second is to plus-sized scientific and technological efforts.

03 stick to the bottom line and never shake, improve the control of safe production

Firmly establish the main responsibility of safe production, firmly carry out the political responsibility of green development, and focus on weak parts and strong foundation. One is to improve working standards. The second is to pay close attention to accident prevention.

04 improve efficiency through strict management and improve the executive power of enterprise governance

First, improve corporate governance.

The second is to strengthen budget management.

The third is to prevent and control operational risks.

The fourth is to implement compliance management.

05 party building leads the creation of first-class, and improves the fighting capacity to overcome difficulties.

First, adhere to the leadership of high-quality party building to ensure high-quality development.

The second is strict discipline supervision.

Summary of work in the first half of Shanxi Zhongrun

Work deployment in the second half of the year

Summary of work in the first half of the year

Li Zhiqiang comprehensively summarized the work of Shanxi Zhongrun in the first half of the year. In the first half of the year, under the correct leadership of aluminum group and chinalec, Shanxi Zhongrun achieved a series of remarkable results in its connotative and high-quality development with the goal of building an industry benchmark electrolytic aluminum enterprise. Remove the influence of market factors and successfully realize the "double half" of the time task ". One is to highlight the operation quality control and standardize management to a new level. The second is to highlight the cost reduction and efficiency improvement of the bid, and make new achievements in operation and management. The third is to highlight the driving force of scientific and technological innovation, and to build new dynamic energy through connotative development. Fourth, highlight the optimization of the governance system and achieve new results in risk prevention and control. The fifth is to highlight the leading guarantee of Party building and show new achievements in overcoming difficulties.

Work deployment in the second half of the year

Li Zhiqiang analyzed the current opportunities, situations and challenges faced by the company and made arrangements for the key work in the second half of the year. He pointed out that the current external environment is undergoing profound changes. Facing the new situation, we must establish crisis awareness and crisis awareness, deeply understand the essential requirements and profound connotation of high-quality development, and enhance our work initiative, rebuild the competitive advantage, comprehensively enhance the core competitiveness, and promote the steady development of enterprises.

01 focus on safe production, keep the value and create the bottom line

Implement the requirements of "two supremacy" and "three Management and three must", pay attention to work effectiveness, and create an intrinsically safe environment. One is to strengthen rigid constraints. Pay attention to the result orientation of safety management, and three orders and five appeals are not as good as typical warnings. The second is to strengthen positive guidance. Focus on the goal orientation of safety management. Strengthen ideological education, guide all members to correctly view and understand safety, pay attention to safety from the heart, and put safety in a prominent position in all work. The third is to strengthen troubleshooting and governance. Pay attention to the problem orientation of safety management.

02 focus on scientific and technological innovation and win the new battlefield of high-quality development we should open our vision, enhance the urgency and initiative of scientific and technological work, humbly study against standards, seriously investigate and demonstrate, and actively cultivate new dynamic energy for high-quality development. First, accelerate the construction of scientific and technological innovation management system. Put scientific and technological innovation at the center of the overall development and accelerate the establishment of a scientific and technological innovation management system with the transformation and application of achievements as the core. The second is to accelerate the transformation and application of scientific research achievements. Scroll to update the science and technology innovation project library and promote the implementation of planned projects. The third is to accelerate the pace of comprehensive utilization. Promote the progress of the 80000-ton recycled aluminum alloy ingot project, improve the processing capacity of melting furnace aluminum ash, actively strive for the implementation of electrolyte rare metal extraction project, and accelerate the construction of a new bright spot in the green development of hazardous waste solid waste disposal in the industrial chain. The fourth is to implement digital and intelligent upgrading. Study the application of intelligent equipment management system and intelligent inspection system to reduce labor intensity and improve work efficiency. 03 focus on key elements and rebuild cost competitive advantages

In-depth study of industrial policies, relying on regional advantages, and strive to create competitive advantages that meet regional conditions. The first is to reduce electricity prices. Guide the advantages of resources and energy in the region to lean towards emerging industries and promote the adjustment and optimization of industrial structure. The second is to implement new energy sources and accelerate the exploration of the realization path of "green and low carbon.

04 focus on efficiency benefits and improve innovation and efficiency creation mode strengthen the top-level design, optimize the responsibility boundary, improve the incentive mechanism, stimulate endogenous power, and inject new vitality power into the high-quality development of the enterprise. Formulate work plans, accelerate the transformation of benchmarking results, and implement the 1% cost reduction requirement. First, implement cost reduction in production. Supplement control standards and continue to improve the "five standards and one control" mode. The second is to achieve excellent marketing and efficiency. Quickly respond to market changes, avoid peaks and purchase, reasonably adjust inventory, and achieve cost reduction in procurement. The third is to strengthen internal control. Strengthen financial management, strictly control expenses, and strictly approve and pay funds. Fourth, improve performance appraisal. Learn from the mature performance management mode of advanced enterprises in the industry, and on the basis of in-depth investigation and research, make performance appraisal more realistic, finer, more objective and more grounded. 05 Focus on cultural connotation and gather the joint efforts of first-class enterprises

First, make good use of the magic weapon of Party building. Deeply integrate the Party building work into the specific practice of corporate governance and production and operation. The second is to implement talent management. Deepen the reform of the three systems and promote the rational and effective allocation of existing personnel. The third is to care for employees. Employees are the greatest wealth of an enterprise, and they should attach great importance to the protection of employees' vital interests.

Shanxi Huaxing Party Committee
Summary of Party building work in the first half of the year yuan Guodong comprehensively summarized the development of Party building work of Shanxi Huaxing Party committee in the first half of 2023. In the first half of 2023, the party committee of the company insisted on taking Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era as its guide, and thoroughly studied and implemented the party's 20th spirit, taking all elements of Party building work as the starting point and improving the leading and supporting ability of party building as the goal, we will continue to exert ourselves on the "seven persistence" and continuously improve the quality of Party building work, the leading role of high-quality Party building in ensuring the company's high-quality development is fully demonstrated. The first is to persist in strengthening the Party 's ideological construction, improve the quality of study and research, and lead the ideological and political leadership more firmly; The second is to plan ahead to deploy the theme education work, and the three first promote the results, and learn to investigate and rectify more practical; the third is to persistently grasp the Party's organizational construction, deepen the two-way integration, and focus on the grassroots orientation more clearly; The fourth is to persevere in strengthening the construction of the talent team, clarify the training path, and increase the entrepreneurial passion of the officers; fifth, we will unswervingly carry out propaganda and cultural construction, promote the quality and efficiency of publicity and then improve the guidance of corporate culture. Sixth, we will continue to promote the construction of a clean and honest party style, prevent and control risks, and then compact them, the Political Ecology of the enterprise is more upright; The seventh is to unswervingly give full play to the advantages of group organization, serve the masses NRX, and the advantages of group organization are more prominent.
Party building work deployment in the second half of the year

Yuan Guodong pointed out that in the face of the new situation, new missions and new tasks, Party organizations at all levels and the vast number of party members and cadres should have new weather, new measures and new actions, and take learning and implementing the 20 great spirits of the party as the main line, carry out theme education with a strong sense of political responsibility and an extreme working attitude, and push the party's construction to a new level with greater strength, higher standards, stricter requirements and more practical measures. The first is to supplement the spiritual calcium and practically guide the practice with new ideas. The second is to build the foundation of faith and meticulously organize and carry out theme education. The third is to focus on strengthening the foundation and improving the leading and supporting ability of party building. The fourth is to strengthen the responsibility and forge a team of high-quality cadres and talents. The fifth is to highlight the unity of power and gather the strength of people at all levels to forge ahead. The sixth is to be strict and upright, and to cultivate the wind and clear Qi and the positive political ecology. The seventh is to build bridges and ties and improve the service level of group organizations.

Yuan Guodong stressed that in the second half of the year, leading cadres at all levels should firmly focus on "Solve problems, be advanced in benchmarking, work hard, protect enterprises and increase efficiency, and increase staff income" work in five aspects. One is to solve the problem. Closely focusing on the problems of "mine" and "electricity", carry forward the "four thousand spirit", communicate, coordinate and public relations with the governments and competent departments at the county, city and provincial levels, fully promote the resumption of production from mining and reduce the price of electricity; the second is advanced benchmarking. All second-level Party organizations should give full play to their subjective initiative, lead the team to move inward, outward, forward, industry, Benchmark, learn experience, advanced benchmarking, strengthen management, promote the continuous improvement of business performance. The third is to work hard. All employees should focus on the completion of target tasks, shoulder the responsibility of enterprise survival, firmly establish the sense of ownership, and sprint to complete the production and operation tasks in the second half of the year in a state of endeavor. The fourth is to protect enterprises and increase efficiency. Adhere to the goal of "protecting enterprises and increasing efficiency", establish the business philosophy for all employees, and ensure that personnel at all levels actively coordinate and cooperate with each other to carry out various work around this goal. Fifth, increase employee income. We should exert our efforts in many ways to lead the masses of workers to increase their income continuously, and continuously enhance their sense of acquisition, happiness and security.

Xu Jibin put forward three requirements on implementing the spirit of the mid-year work conference. First, he should focus on work requirements and improve governance efficiency. Second, we must seize policy opportunities and focus on building a strong foundation. Third, we must strengthen our confidence in our goals and be brave in making breakthroughs.

At the meeting, Liang Dawei, the company leader, conveyed the spirit of the mid-year working meeting of aluminum group chinal in 2023, and Yan Jianwei read out the commendation decision and presided over the award.