Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Building Doors and Windows Curtain Wall Industry High Quality Development Seminar Successfully Held

from:Network date:2023-04-17 reading:1276

On April 15, 2023, the "2023 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei building door and window curtain wall industry DONGWON Development Seminar" hosted by the National Building curtain wall door and window quality inspection center and hosted by Hebei High Quality Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. was successfully held in Baoding, Hebei province.

More than 400 people from the construction department, inspection agency, real estate enterprise, design unit, door and window curtain wall enterprise in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region attended the seminar and conducted research and discussion on hot issues with the organizer.

Qiu Ming, deputy director of China Construction Research Institute Huaneng Technology National Building curtain wall door and window quality inspection and testing center, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. He said that the holding of this seminar aims to provide a platform for exchange and learning for insiders, we will jointly discuss the latest technologies for quality inspection and testing of curtain wall doors and windows, key technologies for product research and development, optimal configuration of energy-saving fire-proof glass, certification of green building materials products, standardization roads of curtain wall doors and windows industry and other hot issues.

The main speakers of this seminar were Dai Hongliang, Hu Naidong, Xie Wenxu, Beijing Haiyang Shunda Glass Co., Ltd., Huanneng science and technology curtain wall door and window Research Center of China Construction Research Institute, fan Jiye and Zhao Qian, research center of Huanneng science and technology curtain wall doors and windows of China Construction Research Institute, several guests respectively introduced the key points of R & D and design of low energy consumption and energy saving doors and windows, and analyzed the key points of green building materials product certification. "Energy saving and fire prevention adaptation of building glass", "performance testing of building doors and windows curtain wall and treatment of common problems", "Standardization empowers high-quality development-analysis of the road of" standardization "promotion of curtain wall doors and windows enterprises" introduces and interprets the participants.

The convening of this seminar has received wide acclaim, providing strong technical support for the improvement of the quality of curtain wall doors and windows products and the development of the industry in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, it further improves the application and promotion of energy-saving door and window technology in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and helps the development of ultra-low energy consumption buildings in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

Special acknowledgement seminar support units:

Shandong yarun Aluminum Co., Ltd.

Beijing Guanhua Oriental Glass Technology Co., Ltd.

Hebei Guangyou Rubber Products Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Hebei vicano doors and windows Technology Co., Ltd.

Hebei Shengda Zhitong New Building Materials Co., Ltd.

China Construction Research Institute Huaneng science and technology curtain wall door and window Center is a professional organization engaged in the business of building curtain wall door and window field, which embodies the construction, structure, energy saving, materials, well-known experts and technical backbones majoring in machinery and engineering management. The main business covers scientific research and development, standard compilation, detection and identification, identification and engineering consultation in the field of building curtain wall doors and windows. China Construction Research Institute Huaneng science and technology curtain wall door and window Center relies on the National Construction Engineering Quality Inspection and Testing Center (BETC), the National Building curtain wall door and window quality inspection and testing center (BCTC), platforms such as the National Standardization Technical Committee for building curtain wall doors and windows (SAC/TC 448) are committed to becoming a one-stop technical solution provider in the field of national-level building curtain wall doors and windows with strong comprehensive advantages. We look forward to working with you to create a joint venture, build a Dream and sail far away.